Blue Sky Research
The mission of ISM-CNR towards new advanced technologies in daily life could not be accomplished without being solidly rooted on a fundamental understanding and control of physical and chemical processes. Blue sky research is thus encouraged and nourished as an essential ingredient to unveil novel properties of matter and its interaction with radiation, opening new perspectives for emerging technologies. Fundamental research at ISM is carried on at the top international level in well-established networks with world-leader Institutions and research groups, funded by EU and other international and national agencies.
Working at the forefront of knowledge, ISM has also developed a long standing tradition in the design and construction of unique instrumentation as well as in the development of new experimental and theoretical methods. Among others, also the synthesis of new materials is carried out by seeking methods and procedures that obey the principles of "green chemistry. The study of physical and chemical properties of solid, liquid, and gas phase systems is pursued through the synergy of theoretical/computational approaches and experimental methods, with the use of cutting-edge instrumentation at large scale facilities as well as in laboratory throughout the four branches of the institute.
Working at the forefront of knowledge, ISM has also developed a long standing tradition in the design and construction of unique instrumentation as well as in the development of new experimental and theoretical methods. Among others, also the synthesis of new materials is carried out by seeking methods and procedures that obey the principles of "green chemistry. The study of physical and chemical properties of solid, liquid, and gas phase systems is pursued through the synergy of theoretical/computational approaches and experimental methods, with the use of cutting-edge instrumentation at large scale facilities as well as in laboratory throughout the four branches of the institute.