Prof. Aldo Di Carlo
Aldo Di Carlo graduated in physics (cum laude) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", obtained the Ph.D. at the Physics Department of the Technical University of Munich (Germany). In 1996 he became research assistant at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and, on 2001, Associated professor. Since December 2012 he is Full Professor of Opto and Nanoelectronics in the same department. His research focuses on the study and fabrication of electronic and optoelectronic devices, their analysis and their optimization. An important aspect of the research concerns the simulation of micro and nanoelectronic devices. The development of the non-equilibrium theory for the microscopic description of the transport process in nanostructured devices and its multiscale implementation has been the subject of invited talks at international conferences and University seminars. In recent years his research was particularly focused on the development of organic solar cells, in particular Dye Solar Cells and Pervoskite Solar Cells, and on scaling-up of these technologies for industrial applications. Di Carlo founded and direct (2007-2019) the Center for Hybrid and Organic Solar Cells (CHOSE) which involve more than 30 researchers. From September 2019 to September 2023, he served as the Director of the Istituto di Struttura della Materia of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR-ISM), a role he will resume starting from September 1, 2024.
Aldo Di Carlo is the European coordinator of the H2020 project CITYSOLAR on the development of Tandem cells perovskite/organics dor building integration. He is/was node coordinator of 8 H2020 project (IMPRESSIVE on tandem cell perovskite/DSSC, MOSTOPHOS on simulation of organic LEDs, CHEOPS on pervoskite solar cells, GRAPHENE FLAGSHIP CORE 2 and Core 3 on perovskite/graphene solar cells, CHIPSCOPE on GaN Nanowire for superesolution microscopes, MAESTRO for perovskite optoelectronics and ESPRESSO for the fabrication of large area Perovskite solar modules,).
Aldo Di Carlo is/has been node coordinator of eight H2020 projects (Impressive for tandem perovskite/DSSC). He was European Coordinator of the FP7 Project ULTRADSSC on time-resolved characterization of DSSC solar cells and of the EU FP7 project OPTHER on THz Amplifiers. He was node coordinator of several national and european research projects, including five FP7 STREP projects (NEWLED on the development of GaN-LEDs, GRAPHENE Flagship, SMASH on Gan Leds and HYMEC on organic memories, CHEETAH fo fotovoltaics), three European Marie Curie Project (DESTINY of organic photovoltaic cells, CLERMONT and CLERMONT II on Microcavities), a European FP6 STREP Project (STIMSCAT on Polariton Lasers). He was coordinating also several National projects (PRIN, MADESS, PF etc.)
Di Carlo is author/coauthor of more than 450 scientific publications in international journals (h-factor = 58, Citations = 13700, Scopus), 13 international patents, several review papers and books chapters and coauthor of two books (in Italian language) "Appunti di Optoelettronica: I materiali semiconduttori" e "Appunti di Optoelettronica: fibre ottiche e componenti a semiconduttore" (Aracne ed.).