Friday, 01 May 2020 12:02

XLIC - XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry

The scientific objective of the Action is to understand, monitor and control the nuclear dynamics.

The scientific objective of the Action is to understand, monitor and control the complex ultrafast electronic and nuclear dynamics that occur in medium-sized and large molecules, to develop new control strategies of reactions and to develop a new generation of ultrafast spectroscopies combining attosecond temporal and sub-Angstrom spatial resolutions.

Financing body: EU
Starting year: 2013
End year: 2017
Call:COST Action
Acronym: XLIC
Role ISM: vice-Chair/MC member
Referent ISM: Paola Bolognesi
Other ISM staff involved: Lorenzo Avaldi, Anna Rita Casavola
laboratory: Molecular Dyamics and Application (MDA), GasPhase. CiPo

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