Circular Polarization - CiPo

Nicola Zema  -

 Stefano Turchini-

Daniele Catone -


Elettra Sincrotrone


Research Activities

The Circular Polarization beamline (CiPo) is characterized by its capability of providing a Synchrotron Radiation Beam of variable polarization (Circular to Linear) in a very broad range of photon energies, 5 to 900 eV. 
The photon beam is produced by an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler and is dispersed by means of two collinear monochromators, a Normal Incidence Monochromator (NIM) and a Spherical Grating Monochromator (SGM), that alternatively provide two beams in the UV-VUV (5 - 40 eV) and soft X-rays (40 - 900 eV) respectively. The availability of such a wide photon energy spectrum, together with the polarization selection makes the CiPo beamline extremely flexible for the experimental activity. The CiPO Beamline itself can be considered a research instruments that can be coupled with other experimental instrumentation that ,taking advantage from the variable and well defined energy and polarization photons for sample excitation, analyze the following response improving their capability. Photoemission techniques such as XPS,UPS, PECD, TEY improve a lot with respect to the laboratory equippments; also Photoionization Mass Spectrometry and Core level Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS, NEXAFX, XMCD, XNCD, etc.)
CIPO Beamline provides the opportunity for a wide variety of experiments ranging from solid state to gas phase spectroscopy. Several equippments are available for performing different type of experiments:
– Core Level Absorption spectroscopy from solid surfaces, thin films and molecules (XAS) and, taking advantage of circular polarization, measurement of the X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) of magnetic films and low-dimensional systems result as the primary scientific research field. Absorption techniques are performed at variable temperature and Magnetic field. XAS@CiPo
– XPS/UPS Photoemission UHV chamber for investigation of clean and dosed sample surfaces “in situ” prepared and characterized.XPS@CiPo
- The CiPo Beamline gives also the possibility to perform gas phase experiments on atomic and molecular systems, in particular Photoelectron Circular Dichroism (PECD) on chiral molecules. CiPo@Elettra
– Mass Analysis Photoionization and photofragmentation setup for studying mass spectra, photoionization efficiency curves and kinetics of ion-molecule reactions of molecules in gas phase. OCTOMASS
Relevant Pubblications








- Dipartimento di Chimica dell'Università "La Sapienza", Roma:
Collaborazione nell'ambito della determinazione della struttura elettronica e dichroismo in fase gassosa delle molecole chirali selezionate attraverso misure di fotoemissione e fotoframmentazione.
- Dipartimento di Studi di Chimica e Tecnologia delle Sostanze Biologicamente Attive dell'Università "La Sapienza", Roma:
Attività nell'ambito delle applicazioni possibili dei sistemi chirali (molecole, clusters) caratterizzati per l'utilizzo in campo farmaceutico.
- Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche dell'Università di Trieste:
Calcolo delle strutture elettroniche e della risposta dicroica delle grandezze sperimentalmente misurate per la molecola libera.
- Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Trento: 
Studio della reattività chimica di molecole organiche attraverso l'indagine sulla fotoframmentazione attraverso la spettrometria di massa.
- ISC-CNR Roma (Montelibretti):
Calcolo delle interazioni e delle strutture di adsorbimento delle molecole chirali sulle superfici orientate dei metalli di transizione.
- Sincrotrone Trieste ScpA, Trieste:
Gestione ed utilizzazione comune delle risorse del Laboratorio per l'utilizzazione della Radiazione di Sincrotrone presso ELETTRA attraverso la conduzione dela linea di luce di sincrotrone CIPO.

Cipo Projects

  • A nanoview of radiation-biomatter interaction +

    The project aims to exploit new opportunities to study the structure and dynamics of complex biomolecules isolated. Read More
  • NANO-IBCT - Nano-scale insights in ion beam cancer therapy +

    To combine the unique experimental and theoretical expertise available within Europe to acquire greater insight at the nanoscopic and molecular Read More
  • XLIC - XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry +

    The scientific objective of the Action is to understand, monitor and control the nuclear dynamics. Read More
  • EUROFEL - European Free Electron Lasers +

    Creation of a consortium of pan-European interest (FELs ‐ of ‐ Europe). Read More
  • Nanoscale insights in radiation damage +

    The objectives of the project are the study of elementary damage processes in prototype molecules  Read More
  • nanoTOOLS - New molecular tools for exploring the nanoscopic world +

    Development of intense ESI sources and Application of the new devices. Read More
  • Chimica ionica e neutra in fase gassosa +

    The aim of the research is the study of aspects of ionic chemistry in the gaseous phase, which are of Read More
  • DYNA CHIRO - Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Chiral Systems +

    Dyna Chiro aims to probe the dynamical behaviour of chiral molecules, with chiral sensitivity. Read More
  • GAUDETE - GAs phase Upgraded DETEctor +

    Elettra-ST project with CNR-ISM in-kind contribution, for the upgrade of the VG hemispherical photoelectron analyzer of the GasPhase Photoemission beamline. Read More
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