The aim of the research is the study of aspects of ionic chemistry in the gaseous phase, which are of high interest in sectors of multidisciplinary impact. The specific objectives are therefore: 1) the study of the structure and reactivity of labile intermediates which perform key roles in processes of fundamental and applicative interest, such as in atmospheric chemistry, in processes of biological interest, in the activation and functionalization of hydrocarbons, 2) to investigate the close link between ionic and neutral chemistry in planetary and interstellar atmospheres where chemistry is apparently dominated by neutral species, while ion-molecule reactions, more efficient than reactions between neutrals, modify the neutral budget by destroying or producing neutral molecules, 3) to study intermediates of processes occurring in non-equilibrium conditions, responsible for unconventional isotopic effects. The research essentially focuses on the study of ion-molecule reactions in the gas phase using mass spectra techniques, assisted by spectroscopic measurements and theoretical DFT calculations. In particular, we develop an innovative instrumentation for the characterization of neutral species produced by ion and-molecule reactions, coupling in an original way mass spectrometry and spectroscopic techniques. This new instrumentation and methodology can substantially modify the experimental approach to ionic and neutral chemistry problems of high multidisciplinary interest. Finally, the characteristics of the project, namely the integrated approach to problems of fundamental and / or multidisciplinary interest, give it the dual opportunity to contribute to the advancement of basic knowledge and to provide more purely applicative answers.
Financing body: MIUR
Starting year: 2013
End year: 2015
Role ISM: Unit Coordinator
Referent ISM: Annarita Casavola
Other ISM staff involved: Lorenzo Avaldi, Paola Bologensi, Alessandra Paladini, Francesco Toschi
laboratory: Molecular Dyamics and Application (MDA)