
The action aimed at the study and optimization of hard magnetic materials, without critical elements, through intense exchanges involving ISM staff and the University of Delaware

The project had the following objectives: 1) the development of low cost CVD diamond radiation dosimeters for quasi-distributed monitoring; 2) development of dedicated electronics for reading; 3) optimization of the amplification electronics to be applied not only to an ionizing radiation dosimeter, but also to photodiodes used for reading optical signals.

Thursday, 19 November 2020 10:52

EFOR I - Energy from Renewable Sources

The project aimed to understand, through the construction of ES systems with different configurations, if and under which conditions the coupling between hard and soft phases allows to improve the thermal stability compared to systems consisting of the hard phase only.

Development of a multiscale theoretical method for the investigation of semiconductor/molecule/polymer interfaces playing a key role in bulk-heterojunction solar cells.

The European project E2PHEST2US had as its objective the development of innovative cogeneration modules for the conversion of concentrated solar energy into small-sized electricity.

Thursday, 19 November 2020 09:32

Composite of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers

Aims of the project: The main purpose of the Action is the creation of a network of highly inter-disciplinary skills, focused on the research and development of new composite materials of inorganic nantubes and polymers.

Thursday, 12 November 2020 14:28

Development of detectors for fast neutrons

The aim of the project is the joint performance between CNR-ISM and CAEN Spa of research activities of mutual interest in sectors.

The objective of Ricircola project its the development of the new circular economy paradigm to be transferred within the production cycle of the automobile FCA Melfi plant (Italy).

SENSOCARD aims to the optimization and  field demonstration  of an integrated prototype for the diagnosis of cardiovascular emergencies. The prototype is a multifunctional platform that:

  • integrates pulse oximeter, sphygmomanometer, ECG and Impedance Cardiography (ICG) signals with blood chemistry values ​(e.g.  troponin) detected from a drop of blood;
  • allows the rapid and non-invasive identification of fatal arrhythmias, heart attack  and respiratory failure induced by pulmonary edema.

Project partner: Microsis S.r.l., CNR - ISM (Montelibretti branch)

#cardiovascular_emergencies, #electrochemical_sensors

AHEAD2020 has been approved to advance the integration of national efforts in high-energy astrophysics, keeping the community at the cutting edge of science and technology and ensuring that observatories are at the state of the art.

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