Thursday, 19 November 2020 10:28

E2PHEST2US - Enhanced Energy Production of Heat and Electricity by a combined Solar Thermionic-Thermoelectric Unit System

The European project E2PHEST2US had as its objective the development of innovative cogeneration modules for the conversion of concentrated solar energy into small-sized electricity.

The European project E2PHEST2US had as its objective the development of innovative cogeneration modules for the conversion of concentrated solar energy into small-sized electricity. The preliminary prototypes of the conversion module, operating at temperatures between 700 and 1100 °C due to the thermionic and thermoelectric effect, the "concept" of the conversion module and its manufacturing process are the main results, to which a proprietary CNR patent is connected .

Thematic Area:Energy
Finanzing body:EU - FP7
Starting year:2010
End year:2013
Call:ENERGY.2.5.1: Key components for Concentrated Solar Power
Title:Enhanced Energy Production of Heat and Electricity by a combined Solar Thermionic-Thermoelectric Unit System
Budget ISM (k€):907
Role ISM:Project Coordinator
Referent ISM:Daniele M. Trucchi
Other relevant roles:Emilia Cappelli (scientific coordinator)
Other ISM staff involved:Alessandro Bellucci, Stefano Orlando, Marco Girolami
laboratory:Diathema, FemtoLAB & LIBS, X-ray Spectroscopy Laboratory

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