Aims of the project: The main purpose of the Action is the creation of a network of highly inter-disciplinary skills, focused on the research and development of new composite materials of inorganic nantubes and polymers. The Action aims to establish the links and the knowledge transfer necessary for the application and marketing of this type of composite materials by the European industry.
Activities: research of the aging mechanisms that still limit the performance and duration of organic photovoltaic devices, obtaining encouraging results regarding new active materials for the development of flexible OPV technologies.
Thematic Area:Energy/Enviroment
Financing body:UE
Starting year:2009
End year:2013
Call:European Cooperation in Science and Technology - COST
Acronym:COST Action MP0902
Title:Composite of Inorganic Nanotubes and Polymers
Budget ISM (k€):
Role ISM:Participant
Referent ISM:Barbara Paci
Other ISM staff involved:Amanda Generosi, Marco Guaragno
laboratory:X-ray Spectroscopy Laboratory