The project aimed to understand, through the construction of ES systems with different configurations, if and under which conditions the coupling between hard and soft phases allows to improve the thermal stability compared to systems consisting of the hard phase only. This required critical analysis and redefinition of the magnetic characterization protocols currently used for the evaluation and comparison of the thermal stability of magnetic systems as well as to obtain ES systems with controlled soft hard interfaces.
Tematic Area:Energia
Financing body:MEF
Starting year:2011
End year:2014
Call:Progetti per l'innovazione e lo sviluppo nel mezzogiorno finanziati dal Ministero Economia e Finanza (MEF) - fase I
Acronym:EFOR I
Title:"Energy from Renewable Sources"
Budget ISM (k€):160
Role ISM:Team Member
Referent ISM:Giuseppe Mattioli
Laboratory:Theory and Simulation Laboratory