The objectives are the design and synthesis of new phosphonate-based organic-inorganic hybrids to be possibly used as innovative starting materials for the production of LiFePO4/C nanocomposites.
Thematic Area:Energy
Financing Area:MAE
Starting year:2013
End year:2015
Call:MAE Italia-Egitto
Title:Multifunctional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials based on Metal Phosphonates
Budget ISM (k€):-
Role ISM:Unit Coordinator
Referent ISM:Elvira Maria Bauer
Other ISM staff involved:Carlo Bellitto, Guido Righini
Laboratory: NANOCOMPS
Thursday, 19 November 2020 11:25
Multifunctional Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Materials based on Metal Phosphonates
The objectives are the design and synthesis of new phosphonate-based organic-inorganic hybrids to be possibly used as innovative starting materials for the production of LiFePO4/C nanocomposites.
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