Use of laser techniques for the generation and characterization of nanostructured materials and formulation of operational protocols for the improvement: of the energy conversion yields, of new technical solutions or new technologies adopted in the construction phase of the solar concentrators manufactured-assembled by the partner company of project (e.g. performance comparison with those obtained in the laboratory and formulation of new technical drawings to contain production costs, increase conversion performance, and to integrate the new materials developed-studied during the project).
Thematic Area:Energy
Financing body:Regione Basilicata
Starting year:2014
Call:PO FSE Basilicata 2007/2013
Title:“Combined Laser Nanotechnology for Solar Energy"
Budget ISM (k€):100
Role ISM:Principal Investigator
Referent ISM:Antonio Santagata
Other ISM staff involved:Stefano Orlando, Donato Mollica, Enzo Lucia, Patrizia Dolce, Veronica Ida Marotta, Giovanni Pompeo Parisi, Antonio Morone, Donato Conte, Adriana De Stefanis, Alessandra Paladini, Ambra Guarnaccio
laboratory:FemtoLAB & LIBS
Thursday, 19 November 2020 11:30
CLaN-Solar-E - Combined Laser Nanotechnology for Solar Energy
Use of laser techniques for the generation and characterization of nanostructured materials and formulation of operational protocols for the improvement.
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