Tuesday, 14 May 2024 15:51

GREEN DIADEMA “GREEN DIAmond DEtector production MAchine”

A project born from the collaboration between OMICA Srl and the DiaTHEMA Lab of CNR-ISM. The goal is to create a green and smart system for the production of multispectral electro-optical diamond devices to be used for the detection of ultraviolet radiation, below 300 nm and at very low intensity, in a space environment. These devices can be utilized both for Earth observation and space missions.

The GREEN DIADEMA project no. A0613-2023-078454 is born from the collaboration between OMICA Srl (project leader) and the DiaTHEMA Lab of CNR-ISM for the production of diamond in UV radiation detection applications.

Daniele M. Trucchi will coordinate the activities of CNR-ISM, while Marco Girolami will manage WP4, focused on the characterization of the developed CVD synthetic diamond.

Given its characteristics, the project falls into two fields:

  • AEROSPACE - development of space technologies and sensors for Earth Observation (SAR, multi/hyperspectral, Optical) with single satellite missions, constellations, and/or fractionated/federated systems in LEO/GEO.
    With the GREEN DIADEMA prototype system, it will be possible to create electro-optical devices operating in the deep ultraviolet with spectral sensitivity characteristics far superior to those currently available with existing technologies. This will enable the production of new-generation optical devices with higher performance, opening new frontiers for discoveries and applications.
  • AERONAUTICS - development of innovative production techniques.
    The GREEN DIADEMA system is an innovative production system for devices whose supply currently depends solely on non-EU countries. Diamond devices, in addition to space applications, can also find applications in the aeronautical field, such as the production of high-precision machinery and aerospace optical devices.

Financing body: Lazio Innova
Starting year: 2023
End year: 2025
Call: FERS Lazio 2021-2027 Riposizionamento Competitivo RSI
Budget ISM: 77.1 k€
Role ISM: OdR partner
Referent ISM: Daniele M. Trucchi
Relevant roles of personal ISM: Marco Girolami - WP4 Leader
Other ISM staff: Veronica Valentini
Laboratory: DiaTHEMA Lab

Public Notice for Competitive Repositioning RSI Area 3, approved by Determination No. G18823 dated 28.12.2022 within the framework of the PR FESR LAZIO 2021-2027, hereby informs that, with Determination No. G 15322 dated 17/11/2023, published in the B.U.R. Lazio No. 93 supplement No. 1 of 21/11/2023, CNR in collaboration with Omica is the beneficiary of the GREEN DIADEMA project No. A0613-2023-078454.

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