19th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy (ICIFMS-19)
The ICIFMS-19 (Rome, 27 Jun - 01 Jul 2022) is a great opportunity for the exchange of experiences and ideas in research focused on theory, advances and applications of anelasticity in materials physics, high and low damping materials and on internal friction, mechanical spectroscopy, dynamic-mechanical analysis and related techniques. ICIFMS-19 and the Journal of Alloys and Compounds (impact factor 5.316 in 2020) is publishing a Virtual Special Issue IFMS-19 already consisting of more than 40 papers.
#anelasticity, #mechanical_spectroscopy #conference #spectroscopy
International Day of Light 2022
ISM is organizing a dissemination workshop on light and its applications, to celebrate the International Day of Light by UNESCO.
#LightDay2022 #Light #IDL2022
MD-GAS Training School - "Molecular dynamics in the gas phase: experimental tools and methods"
Lessons dedicated to the development of instruments and the implementation of methods which provide new opportunities in molecular physics and physical chemistry and seminars on the related applications in the astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry, radiation damage and life science fields.
#MolecularDynamics #GasPhase #SynchrotronRadiation #ElectronBeams #IonBeams #UltrafastLaser
Launch of TEMPISM - The Technology Material Platform of ISM
Save the date! 27 maggio 2021 ore 11.00
Launch of TEMPISM - The Technology Material Platform of Institute for Structure of the Matter (ISM)
Biomah - 3rd edition
The 3rd edition of the Conference, called "Biomaterials and Novel Technologies for Healthcare" (BioMaH) will be held in Rome (Italy), at the headquarters of the National Research Council, from 18th to 21st of October 2022
79th Course/School: EPIOPTICS-16
ERICE- SICILY: 3 – 9 July 2022
Meeting Azione COST MD-GAS, Working Group 1 e 2
Annual meeting of the Working Groups 1 & 2 of the COST Action MD-GAS.
On-line event 15-19 March 2021 (9:00 - 13:00).
Registration is free but mandatory.
Workshop “Novel technologies for sensors and biosensors @ CNR- Research Area of Rome 1”
Within the DESIR project (Depositions for ElectroSpray Ionization and biosensoRi), a project financed in in the framework of LR13 / 08 "RESEARCH GROUPS" CALL by Lazio Innova, we organized online workshop "New technologies for sensors and biosensors @ Research Area of Rome 1”.