The aim of the DESIR project was the development of a prototype for the deposition of enzymes and the development of a biosensing platform for biomedical, agri-food and environmental application. The final objective of project has been pursuit through the synergistic application of various know-how from the design and construction of devices, the preparation and treatment of solutions and biosystems, to the theoretical studies including molecular dynamics software development for real-time control of instrumentation and data analysis.
Many of these competences involved colleagues from Institutes of the Rome 1 Research Area and SMEs that collaborated with these Institutes. From here the idea of organizing this event to highlight the multidisciplinary expertise present in the Area in the field of sensor and biosensor technologies as the collaborations with local SMEs that have found application within the implementation of high-impact research projects in sectors such as health, environment, agri-food and cultural heritage, funded in the framework of national and European programs.
The event will also provide an opportunity to discuss the technologies developed and evaluate possible applications / collaborations and market opportunities together with innovative SMEs in the area and make a small contribution to building a more sustainable system.
The event will give the opportunity of “Meet the speakers” where participants can ask questions and start discussion with the scientific community present at the event.
Workshop “Novel technologies for sensors and biosensors @ CNR- Research Area of Rome 1”
25 February 2021- Virtual Event
Join the event via computer-tablet- smartphone:
Access via phone:
Italy: +39 0 230 57 81 42
ID code: 527-846-589