Area Tematica: ICT, Sicurezza
Ente Finanziatore: MIUR
Anno di inizio: 2012
Anno Fine: 2016
Bando/Call: FIRB
Acronimo: NANOREST
Titolo: "Tailoring the magnetic anisotropy of nanostructures for enhancing the magnetic stability of magnetoresistive junctions"
Budget ISM (k€): 297
Ruolo ISM: Project Coordinator
Referente ISM: Laureti
Altro personale staff ISM Coinvolto: Alberto M. Testa, P. Alippi
Laboratorio: nM2-Lab
Thursday, 20 May 2021 15:25
NANOREST - Tailoring the magnetic anisotropy of nanostructures for enhancing the magnetic stability of magnetoresistive junctions
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