Development of technologies and solutions to materials and processes for a sustainable industry, able to facilitate low-carbon production, energy saving, as well as the intensification of methodologies and approaches for recycling, clean-up and use of materials with high added value deriving from production and end-of-life residues / scraps of vehicles.
Thematic Area: Aerospazio/Automotive
Financing Body: MiSE
Starting year: 2017
End year: 2019
Call: Bando MISE Horizon 2020 - PON 2014/2020
Acronym: Ri-Circola
Title: The factory towards a circular economy: from the recovery of plastic to the end-of-life of vehicles
Budget ISM (k€): 438
ISM Ruolo: CNR Project Leader
ISM Referent: Antonio Santagata
Other relevant roles: Guarnaccio Ambra (Activity leader OR8.3),Stefano Orlando (Activity leader OR8.2)
Other ISM Staff involved: Stefano Orlando, Donato Mollica, Patrizia Dolce, Adriana De Stefanis, Alessandra Paladini, Ambra Guarnaccio, Fortunata Gallese, Giuseppe Mattioli, Francesco Toschi, Donato Conte, Enzo Lucia, Assunta Arte, Lorenzo Avaldi
Laboratory: FemtoLAB