The ProME3ThE2US2 project aimed at developing, validating and implementing novel solid-state structures able to convert directly concentrated solar radiation into electric energy, at a very high efficiency. The project objective is the development of efficient solar concentrating cells, based on engineered semiconductors, able to overcome the limitations of multiple-junction cells when operating at high-temperature. ProME3ThE2US2 is a European collaborative project within the Energy FP7 framework of Future Emerging Technologies (FET). Coherently with the FET strategy based on high risk research, the project aims at incubating and developing a breakthrough concept for concentrated solar conversion, with a very high technological impact.
Financing body: EU - FP7
Starting year: 2013
End year: 2016
Acronym: PROME3THE2US2
Budget ISM (k€): 779
Role ISM: PI and Project Coordinator
Referent ISM: Daniele M. Trucchi
Other relevant roles: Marco Girolami (WP leader)
Other ISM staff involved: Alessandro Bellucci, Stefano Orlando
Laboratory: DiaTHEMA Lab , FemtoLAB & LIBS