Monday, 18 September 2023 11:47

CNR-ISM - European Night of Researchers 2023

The researchers from CNR-ISM will accompany the hero's journey of SuperScienceMe again this year.

By offering guided tours of the FemtoLAB laboratory in Tito and presentations at the "G. Pascoli" Lower Secondary School in the municipality of Tito (PZ), the researchers aim to convey the fundamental concepts of light properties and their use in applications, including as sources for nanotechnologies, the production of new materials, devices for renewable energies, and their characterizations.

"La luce: colori e applicazioni" - Presentations at the "G. Pascoli" Lower Secondary School in the municipality of Tito (PZ) - 29/09/2023 from 08:30 AM to 01:00 PM.

"La luce: colori e applicazioni" - Demonstrative activities at the FemtoLAB of CNR-ISM, Tito Scalo branch - throughout the day on 29/09/2023.

Admission to the events is free upon reservation.
All the details and online reservations are available on the website.