Displaying items by tag: BlueS_eng
Nanostructured Magnetic Materials
The project aims at designing and investigating functional nanoscale-engineered magnetic materials.
BIOX - Predicting and controlling the fate of bio-molecules driven by extreme-ultraviolet radiation
The target of the project is the investigation, with extreme temporal resolution, of the molecular processes initiated by the interaction of ionizing radiation with biologically relevant molecules.
Synthesis and physico-chemical characterization of new organic materials for optoelectronic devices
The project has as its main objective the synthesis with sustainable methods and the study of new functional molecules to be used in the field of optoelectronic devices.
ARPA - Autonomous and flexible manufacturing and Augmented Reality techniques for Processes Automation
The activities of the CNR concern the study and preparation of innovative nanocomposite polymers.
EUROFEL - European Free Electron Lasers
Creation of a consortium of pan-European interest (FELs ‐ of ‐ Europe).
2D nanostructured materials self-organized on surfaces
The project activity is focused on the design, synthesis and study of low-dimensional systems.
European Researchers' Night 2020
European Researchers' NIGHT (H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2020)”. Researchers' Night promoted by the University of Calabria, Magna Graecia University, Mediterranean University, University of Basilicata, CNR (ITM, IIA, ICAR, IIT, ISAC, IMAA, ISM, ISPC) and Calabria Region.
nanoTOOLS - New molecular tools for exploring the nanoscopic world
Development of intense ESI sources and Application of the new devices.
MagNet - Magnetometry Network
Network of excellence at the service of the KIC Raw Materials community
DYNA CHIRO - Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Chiral Systems
Dyna Chiro aims to probe the dynamical behaviour of chiral molecules, with chiral sensitivity.