The target of the project is the investigation, with extreme temporal resolution, of the molecular processes initiated by the interaction of ionizing radiation with biologically relevant molecules. The main objective is to identify and control at molecular level the early steps of light-driven processes of primary importance in photochemistry and photobiology, which typically evolve on timescales ranging from theattosecond domain of purely electron dynamics, to the hundreds of femtosecond domain of nuclear dynamics. The experimental strategy is based on the combination of advanced time-resolved techniques, characterized by extreme temporal resolution (from a few femtoseconds to a few hundreds of attoseconds), with synchrotron-based spectroscopic techniques to unravel the molecular mechanisms leading to photo-protection or damage of bio-relevant molecules. Advanced numerical modelling, based on a novel and unique theoretical approach which takes into account the atomistic details of the molecular structure, the action of the extreme-ultraviolet and ultrashort excitation, electron correlation effects and the coupling between electronic and nuclear degrees of freedom, will support and guide the experimental activity.
Financing body: MIUR
Starting year: 2019
End year: 2021
Acronym: BIOX
Role ISM: Unit Coordinator
Referent ISM: Davide Sangalli
Other ISM staff involved: Lorenzo Avaldi, Paola Bolognesi, Mattea Carmen Castrovilli
Laboratory: Molecular Dyamics and Application (MDA), TEAM