Automotive & Aerospace
Automotive and Aerospace are very challenging technological sectors that include a huge network of counterparts involving not only the companies producing land and space vehicles, but also enterprises and research institutes developing innovative technologies and materials as well as multidisciplinary methodologies which are of fundamental importance for a sustainable and competitive growth of both their manufacturing processes and goods. The ISM-CNR activities within these research frameworks are strongly supporting not only fundamental and applied research which spans from the R&D of solar fuels, supercapacitors, sensors, photovoltaic systems’ integration, design of new cathodic systems for micro- and nano-batteries, thermoelectric and optoelectronic devices, etc. but also cross-cutting technological and service transfer processes. With this regard ISM-CNR shares with the national and international production system and the Basilicata Region Automotive Cluster, its expertise on KETs (Key Enabling Technologies) such as advanced materials, photonics, nanotechnology, micro and nanoelectronics and advanced manufacturing technologies, for addressing the issues of Industry 4.0 and S3 (Smart Specialization Strategy) concepts and to pursue the new paradigm of the Industry 5.0.
In recent partnerships with leading companies in the Automotive and Aerospace sectors, the ISM-CNR replies to the most common innovation and technology requests. In particular, in collaboration with benchmarking companies of the Automotive sector, the CNR-ISM designs and develops smart and innovative materials also for 3D printing, employs laser based processes for designing new devices and for either functionalizing or varying the surface properties of materials, supports both processes optimization, including approaches for recycling and re-use materials, and technologies to be included in automotive production in order to increase efficiency, reliability, maintainability, sustainability, processability, durability and safety within the Industry 4.0 framework.
Moreover, in collaboration with leader Aerospace companies, the activities of the ISM-CNR concern the development of nanostructured materials able to improve radiofrequency devices which find application in modern fixed, mobile and avionics radars and in terrestrial and satellite, civil and military telecommunications systems. Remote power supply technology for lighter and more compact aerospace systems such as satellites and rovers are under development at ISM-CNR. Finally, the ISM-CNR activities within the more specific Aerospace/Astrophysics sector cooperates with INAF in the integration of international efforts in high-energy astrophysics, keeping the reference community at the forefront of science and technology and ensuring that national astronomical observatories remain at the state-of-the-art level.