Thursday, 03 December 2020 15:48

European Researchers' Night

Science Night
CNR Research Area of Tor Vergata - Rome
27th September, 2019
27th September, 2018
29th September, 2017
30th September, 2016
ISM participated with educational seminars and guided tours in the institute's laboratories.
ISM personnel involved: Daniele Catone, Claudia Ceccarelli, Stefano Colonna, Francesca De Cinti, Roberto Flammini, Patrick o’Keeffe, Andrea Laruffa, Alessandra Paladini, Fabio Ronci, Raffaella Rossi, Francesco Toschi, Stefano Turchini
Research Night
CNR Research Area of Montelibretti (Rome)
27th September, 2019
ISM participated with educational seminars and guided tours in the institute's laboratories.
ISM personnel involved: Alessandro Bellucci, Patrizia Cafarelli, Giuseppa Giglio, Matteo Mastellone, Loredana Nanni, Fabrizio Pallotta, Anna Maria Paoletti, Donatella Schiumarini, Alessandra Serangeli, Valerio Serpente, Gloria Zanotti
European Researchers' Night
27th September 2019, Campus of the University of Basilicata - Matera
28th September 2018, Piazza Mario Pagano - Potenza
Events within the "Braincities" Project - Boosting ReseArch Inside CITIzens communitiES
The ISM participated in educational seminars and educational workshops for primary and lower secondary schools.
ISM personnel involved: Alessandro Bellucci, Ambra Guarnaccio, Sara Laureti, Donato Mollica, Stefano Orlando, Giovanni P. Parisi, Antonio Santagata

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