Stefano Iacobucci -
Allocation of the apparatus at the Science Department of the Roma Tre University
The apparatus is conceived for pre-qualifyng activity of experiments performed at the lab of Roma Tre LaSEC .
Activity Description
The scientific activity is focused on the study of the electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces, and it is specified according to the following subtopics: 1) fine analysis of matter; 2) electron-electron correlations; 3) morphology and field-effect emissive properties of carbon nanostructures. The research is of fundamental character and it is based on innovative experimental methodologies that imply the development of new scientific instruments and data analysis tools. The activity is carried out in cooperation with several national and international institutions of research.

Specs LEED / AES system with rear vision optics installed in the preparation chamber
Relevant publications
Spectroscopical Techniques and Instrumentation
- Università RomaTre Dip.to di Scienze
- Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste
- University of Cambridge