The Institute, founded at the beginning of the 1980s, has a long tradition in material characterization ranging from laboratory based research to large scale facilities such as synchrotrons. The expertise of the institute has been subsequently extended to material synthesis and deposition capabilities as well as prototype fabrication to exploit novel materials at the application level. These investigations take advantage of a thorough theoretical expertise based on multiscale descriptions. In recent years, the global need, reaffirmed by the Paris Agreement, to use the best science to counteract climate changes is directing many of the scientific efforts of ISM towards the study of matter to support the sustainability paradigm.
With its researchers and technicians, supported by a solid and efficient administration, CNR-ISM represents a professional research center capable of tackling the new challenges presented by the continuous development in material science and promote a detailed physical and physical-chemical understanding of classical and quantum processes governing material behavior. This expertise allows us to create advanced devices and systems thus promoting fruitful collaborations and technology transfer with companies.
CNR-ISM is also the place where a new generation of scientists and technologists, such as master students, PhDs, postdocs can be trained in a dynamic and professional environment with access to hundreds of different facilities for material investigation. In order to further foster the collaboration among researchers, international partners and companies, CNR-ISM developed TEMPISM the Technological Material Platform where all the facilities of the institute are described and the links to people in charge of these facilities are provided initiate interactions.