The Synthesis’ researchers’ knowhow and instrumental facilities available at ISM offer different treatments such as micro and nanostructuring and creation of microchannels and color centers of materials whose are located onto the surface or inside the material, respectively.
The Surface nanostructures obtained on large band gap systems, such as diamond films, have allowed: 1) the modulation of optical properties (e.g. blackdiamond) which have enhanced the absorption of solar radiation used in conversion modules of solar concentrators based on new generation thermionic and thermoelectric technologies, or, 2) the creation of metamaterials obtained as a result of surface graphitization that find application for THz spectral range components. Different treatment processes can be carried out by the use of a micro and nanofabrication workstation µFAB, managed jointly by the DiaTHEMA Lab and Tito Scalo FemtoLab, whose coupling with a Ti:Sa fs laser source, can provide micro and nanometric scale fabrications (micromachining, and internal micro and nanostructuring of materials’ surfaces, etc.). These, as a consequence of their high 1D, 2D or 3D achievable periodicity, can allow the manipulation and control of materials’ optical, electronic, charge transport and electromagnetic radiation – matter interaction, reactivity or more generally chemical-physical properties and therefore their peculiar behaviors (e.g. creation of color centers of high band gap systems, variation of refractive indices and/or surface wettability of materials etc.). In general, due to local features that can be designed and realized at the nanoscale, innovative technological systems that find application in areas such as: photonics, microfluidics, micro and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics, optimization in processes chain such as painting of aesthetic polymeric systems used in the automotive industry, can be obtained.
2D-3D microfabrications by a fs pulsed laser coupled to a uFAB workstation