This activity of the Simulation & theory laboratory involves numerous researchers, interested in theoretical studies as valid support in the analysis and understanding of experimental results.
Theoretical studies can be applied to photoemission spectroscopy, core spectroscopy (reproducing XPS spectra), to RAMAN, IR, TR-ARPES spectroscopy and to surface spectroscopies (reproducing optical and electronic properties of materials).
The use of different calculation methods allows obtaining useful and comparable information with experimental results: the ability to relate theoretical calculations with experiments is the common element within the laboratory activity. The research products highlight the most varied applications and the laboratory's ability to fit into ever-changing areas.
Photoemission spectroscopies Core Spectroscopies Photofragmentation appearance energy and reaction path Electron dynamics, time resolved ARPES & absorption Linear optical and energy loss spectroscopies Raman and IR Phonon spectroscopy Surface spectroscopies Magneto-Optics Spin dynamics & time resolved magneto optics Magnetic anisotropy