Significant awards

During the 7th International Conference on Materials based on Ionic Liquids (ILMAT), held in Porto, Portugal (21-24/11/2023), Alessandro Triolo, researcher at CNR-ISM, was awarded the Ruth Lynden-Bell Award by the European Society for Ionic Materials (ESIM).
This prestigious award is a recognition of his distinguished scientific career in the field of ionic liquids, solvents utilized in sustainable development.

The SENSOCARD research project was awarded the EEN Service Award at the LIFE SCIENCE EXCELLENCE HUB RESULTS AND AWARDS

Valerio Rossi Albertini in the final shortlist of candidates for the 15th Edition of Mediterranean Culture Prize

Saturday, 09 January 2021 16:28

Dottorato honoris causa dott. Dino Fiorani

On January 31, 2020 Dr. Dino Fiorani, researcher Emeritus of the CNR, was awarded the Doctorate Honoris Causa of the University of Uppsala (Faculty of Science and Technology).

Saturday, 09 January 2021 16:17

Significant awards

Significant awards & other results of ISM staff