Friday, 10 September 2021 09:47

Project PARIDE - Perovskite Advanced Radioprotection & Radiotherapy Imaging DEtectors

The PARIDE project is starting now! Funded by the regional agency #Lazio_Innova in the framework of the call "Gruppi di Ricerca 2020", merges the competences in electronic devices’ development of #CNR-ISM, here collaborating with #CNR-IC, with those of the Electronic Engineering Dept. of TorVergata University and the know-how of Niccolò Cusano University in the electronic design. Aim of PARIDE is the development of #perovskite #imaging #x-ray_detectors fabricated on flexible substrates and coupled to a compact electronic system for signal elaboration, and characterized by high sensitivity to monitor radiation doses used in surgery #radioprotection and #oncological_radiation therapy.


The PARIDE project aims at developing highly sensitive perovskite detectors for imaging ionizing radiation sources. Perovskites are the reference semiconductors for future solar cells, thanks to their excellent electronic properties and the sustainability of production processes. PARIDE's goal is to demonstrate the performance of a detector prototype with spatial resolution up to 256 channels for dose monitoring in interventional radiology and oncological radiotherapy, fabricated on flexible substrates and including a compact electronic system for processing signal. The validation of the prototype system in a relevant environment represents the current design goal. PARIDE was born from the encounter among excellent skills in the fields of materials science, engineering of devices for the detection of ionizing radiation and integrated electronics design.

Call: POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 - "Progetti di Gruppi di Ricerca 2020”
Project duration: 2 years (2021 - 2023)
Coordinator: CNR-ISM, Daniele M. Trucchi
Additional CNR-ISM staff participating: Marco Girolami