Thursday, 19 November 2020 15:48

BOOSTER - Boosting sustainability in plastic electronics: the key role of functional surfactants as reaction medium and dispersing agents

Development of new, highly sustainable strategies for the synthesis of organic materials for electronic and opto-electronic devices.

Development of new, highly sustainable strategies for the synthesis of organic materials for electronic and opto-electronic devices. The ISM contribution is focused on tight-binding and ab initio investigation of (i) known and novel organic materials and tailored organic surfactants, as a support for the synthesis of new materials through innovative processes as micellar synthesis, and (ii) interfacial properties of molecules, polymers and surfactants in contact with metal electrodes, functionalized by self-assembled monolayers of surface modifiers. Moreover, ISM developes new, highly sustainable strategies for the synthesis of metal-organic materials for optoelectronic devices.
Thematic Area:Environment, energy
Financing body:MIUR
Starting year:2019
End year:2021
Call:PRIN 2017
Title:Boosting sustainability in plastic electronics: the key role of functional surfactants as reaction medium and dispersing agents
Budget ISM (k€):220
Role ISM:Unit Coordinator
Referent ISM:Giuseppe Mattioli
Other ISM staff involved:Gloria Zanotti
laboratory:TEAM, Syn-o-Mat