Friday, 01 May 2020 09:23

BIFACE - Biomolecular Ions: Fundamental and Applied scienCE

The BIFACE project aims to study fundamental properties of biomolecular ions as well as their possible applications in nanotechnology

The BIFACE project aims to study fundamental properties of biomolecular ions as well as their possible applications in nanotechnology, and is organized into the following activities:
1/ Fragmentation dynamics of complex molecular ions
2/ Controlled deposition of 'complex' organic molecules for applications as biosensors

Financing body: CNRS
Starting year: 2017
End year: 2018
Call: CNRS-PICS Projects
Acronym: BIFACE
Role ISM: Unit Coordinator
Referent ISM:Paola Bolognesi
Other ISM staff involved: Lorenzo Avaldi
laboratory: Molecular Dyamics and Application (MDA)