Monday, 25 November 2024 09:34

PRISM 2024 Award Ceremony Program

PRISM 2024 Award Ceremony Program - December 17th, 2024 - 3:00 pm CET

The online award ceremony will be held on the Facebook, LinkedIN and YouTube page of CNR-ISM.

Please inform us if you will be participating here.

15:00 Welcome and introduction of the PRISM prize

  • Maria Chiara Carrozza - CNR President
  • Stefano Fabris - Director of CNR Departement of Physical Sciences and Technologies of Matter
  • Aldo Di Carlo - CNR-ISM Director

15:30 Quantum Plumbing: The Mysteries of Nanoscale Flows

  • Nikita Kavokine - winner Junior PRISM category

Liquids are usually described within classical physics, whereas solids require the tools of quantum mechanics. I will show how in nanoscale channels this distinction no longer holds. At these scales, the liquid flows become intertwined with electron dynamics in the channel walls, resulting in a wealth of phenomena beyond the reach classical fluid mechanics. My talk will focus on the quantum friction effect, the challenges it poses for the foundations of hydrodynamics, and the perspectives it opens for nanoscale energy conversion. 

The Materials for Tomorrow, Today.

  • Alán Aspuru-Guzik - winner Senior PRISM category

In this talk, I argue that for materials discovery, one needs to go beyond simple computational screening approaches followed by traditional experimentation. I have been working on the design and implementation of what I call “materials acceleration platforms” (MAPs). MAPs are enabled by the confluence of three disparate fields, namely artificial intelligence (AI), high-throughput quantum chemistry (HTQC), and robotics. The integration of prediction, synthesis and characterization in an AI-driven closed-loop approach promises the acceleration of materials discovery by a factor of 10, or even a 100. I will describe our efforts under the Mission Innovation umbrella platform around this topic.

16:30 Award ceremony
16:50 Conclusion


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