Chemical sciences PHD open position – “Rome Technopole” project
Chemical sciences PHD open position with title “Circular & Bio products: sustainable functional materials for reusable and recyclable green smart devices”
PHD open position – “Rome Technopole” project
PHD open position with title “Quantum technologies based on self-assembled metal-organic superstructures on surfaces”
Degree in Industrial Chemistry with thesis at DepEST@CNR ISM
Ludovica Gullo graduated with 110/110 cum laude in #Industrial_Chemistry at # University_LaSapienza in Rome, with an experimental master's thesis carried out at the #DepEST laboratory of the #CNR-ISM in Montelibretti, #MDA - Molecular Dynamics and Application group. The thesis entitled, "Deposition by ElectroSpray Ionization (#ESI) as immobilization technique for the production of #laccase-based #biosensors”, has been overhauled by the Dr. Antonella Cartoni of Sapienza (internal supervisor), and the Dr. Mattea Carmen Castrovilli of CNR-ISM (external supervisor). We wish Ludovica the best of luck for her future!
Student Supervison and Tutoring
List of Supervision and Tutoring activities in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities.