Iglesias Science Festival
28th – 30th November, 2019
29th November – 1st December, 2018
ISM, in collaboration with the "Science is Cool" cultural association, participated in the educational seminars, exhibitions and workshops of this festival.
ISM personnel involved: Sara Laureti, Davide Peddis, Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Roberto Flammini, Gloria Zanotti
Genoa Science Festival
24th October – 4th November, 2019
26th October – 5th November, 2017
ISM participated in educational seminars, exhibitions and workshops of this festival.
ISM personnel involved: Sara Laureti, Davide Peddis, Gloria Zanotti
CNR Research Area of Montelibretti (Rome)
16th May, 2019
As part of the International Day of Light and Technologies that use electromagnetic radiation, ISM collaborated in the organization of this event for students of secondary schools in the area, and participated in educational seminars.
ISM personnel involved: Alessandra Caricari, Andrea D’Andrea, Francesco Filippone, Marco Girolami, Fosca Rosati, Donatella Schiumarini, Daniele Trucchi, Gloria Zanotti.
Il Natale della Ricerca
CNR Research Area of Montelibretti (Rome)
19th – 21st December, 2018
ISM collaborated in the organization of the event and participated in educational seminars.
ISM personnel involved: Daniele Catone, Sara Laureti, Alessandra Paladini, Gloria Zanotti
Light and Technologies for the Environment, Cultural Heritage and Public Health and Safety
CNR Research Area of Montelibretti (Rome) and Municipal Library of Monterotondo (Rome)
16th May, 2018
As part of the International Day of Light and the Technologies derived from it, ISM collaborated in the organization of the event, and participated in educational seminars.
ISM personnel involved: Andrea D’Andrea, Sara Laureti, Alessandra Paladini, Daniele Trucchi, Gloria Zanotti.