Project Office
Manager: Antonio Tartarisco.
Staff: Franca Rossi e Andrea Laruffa
Duties: Support in the preparation, management and reporting of Research Projects
1) Proposal Phase
- Provides support in the interpretation of the Call, where required
- When ISM is coordinator of the Project, prepares the management sections
- Fills in the anagraphic and administrative sections in the Portal of the Financing Body
- If involved: checks the eligibility, congruence and relevance of the budget with respect to the activities; Gantt congruence; measurability and consistency of objectives and deliverables; reviews the scientific part in terms of form and vocabulary
- Verifies and manages the proxy requests at the Department
- Archives the final documentation
2) Ex-ante Project Phase
- Prepares and/or checks the Grant Agreement (GA) document, where required
- Valorises the Project in in GePRO
- Enters the bank details in the portal of the Financing Body
- Supports the preparation of the Accounts Plan (eligibility and cost allocation)
- Prepares and/or checks the Consortium Agreeement, interfacing with the proper offices in charge of the Headquarters of CNR
- Archives the final documentation
3) In-itinere Project Phase
- Every month archives the time sheets of the personnel involved
- Every month checks the archiving of the documentation produced for carrying out the project (Service Orders, Calls for recruitment, Orders, Payments, etc.)
- When requested, supports the organization and management of meetings
4) Reporting Phase of the Project
- If ISM is the coordinator of the Project, sends alerts to the partners for the preparation of the necessary documentation
- Checks in the archive if all the necessary documentation in present
- Checks the eligibility, consistency and relevance of expenses
- Verifies and checks the time sheets
- Prepares statistical informations
- Checks the consistency with the Gantt, the consistency between objectives and deliverables of the Project
- Where required, revises the scientific part of the Project in the form and in the vocabulary
- Fills, sends and archives tables and forms
- Internal and external audit management