Laser technologies for nanosciences

Laser technologies for nanosciences

The properties of matter having dimension between nanometer (10-9m) and submicro-meter (<10-6m)  are surveyed by nano-sciences. The high versatility of the laser technologies allow one to realize both new materials and systems, and characterize their features for applications in nanoscaled devices. During the last twenty years the personnel of the Unit of Tito Scalo (PZ) of ISM has attained skills in developing new nanostructured materials for micro- and nano-electronics, photonics, physical-chemical sensors as well as biosensors taking advantage of their knowledge about the use of nano- and femto-second laser pulses. The research activities are related both to production and surface treatment of materials by Pulsed Laser  Ablation (PLA) and Deposition (PLD), Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquid (PLAL), Laser Micromachining and Matrix Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation. Moreover, the characterization of the process or the materials are performed through ICCD-imaging, LIBS and MOKE spectroscopy, and highly temporal resolved spectroscopies (TCSPC, Up-conversion) and transient ab-sorption (Pump and Probe).

Staff: P. Dolce, A. Guarnaccio, D. Conte, D. Mollica, A. Morone, S. Orlando, G.P. Parisi, A. Santagata