Hybrid inorganic/organic magnetic nanoarchitectures

Hybrid inorganic/organic magnetic nanoarchitectures

Magnetic nano-architectures (MNA) consist of a magnetic nano-hetero-structure (e.g. controlled morphology nanoparticles, core-shell and multi-shell bi-magnetic structures, superstructures of nanoparticles) suitably functionalized with  specific molecules ( e.g. amorphous silica also mesostructured, zirconia, organic molecules). 
MNA are of great interest for various applications such as the permanent magnets with reduced content of rare earths, advanced thermoelectric (see H2020 FET Pro-active MAGENTA 2017-2021 project, https://www.magenta-h2020.eu/) biomedicine (e.g. Imaging, magnetic hyperthermia and biosensors) and catalysis. In ISM there are consolidated skills in chemical synthesis, functionalization and investigation of the magnetic properties of complex  MNA. The ability to control the main microstructural features allows the design of materials with  tunable magnetic properties (e.g. magnetic anisotropy, saturation magnetization) for specific applications. Currently the research focuses on 
1) Design of magnetic nano-heterostructures for specific applications 2) Surface and interface magnetism; 3) Super-structures of nanoparticles; 4) Magnetic nanocomposites 5) study of magnetism in natural and manmade materials

Staff: Elisabetta Agostinelli, Aldo Capobianchi, Sara Laureti, Alberto Maria Testa, Gaspare Varvaro (nM2-Lab  group) Davide Peddis