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Publisher's Note: “Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range” [J. Chem. Phys. 140, 184307 (2014)] Antonella Cartoni, Paola Bolognesi, Ettore Fainelli, Lorenzo Avaldi 2014 The Journal of Chemical Physics
Photofragmentation spectra of halogenated methanes in the VUV photon energy range Antonella Cartoni, Paola Bolognesi, Ettore Fainelli, Lorenzo Avaldi 2014 The Journal of Chemical Physics
Photo-double-ionization of the nitrogen molecule P. Bolognesi, B. Joulakian, A. A. Bulychev, O. Chuluunbaatar, L. Avaldi 2014 Physical Review A
Valence Shell Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Pyrene and Fluorene: Photon Energy Dependence in the Far-Ultraviolet Region Preeti Manjari Mishra, Lorenzo Avaldi, Paola Bolognesi, Kevin C. Prince, Robert Richter, Umesh R. Kadhane 2014 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Determining the polarization state of an extreme ultraviolet free-electron laser beam using atomic circular dichroism T. Mazza, M. Ilchen, A. J. Rafipoor, C. Callegari, P. Finetti, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, M. B. Danailov, A. Demidovich, G. De Ninno, C. Grazioli, R. Ivanov, N. Mahne, L. Raimondi, C. Svetina, L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi, M. Coreno, P. O'Keeffe, M. 2014 Nature Communications
Insights into 2-Chloropyrimidine fragmentation through a thermochemical analysis of the ionic fragments Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Paola Bolognesi, Annarita Casavola, Antonella Cartoni, Daniele Catone, Patrick O’Keeffe, Lorenzo Avaldi 2014 The European Physical Journal D
Control of the Polarization of a Vacuum-Ultraviolet, High-Gain, Free-Electron Laser Enrico Allaria, Bruno Diviacco, Carlo Callegari, Paola Finetti, Benoît Mahieu, Jens Viefhaus, Marco Zangrando, Giovanni De Ninno, Guillaume Lambert, Eugenio Ferrari, Jens Buck, Markus Ilchen, Boris Vodungbo, Nicola Mahne, Cristian Svetina, Carlo Spezzani 2014 Physical Review X
Mapping the transverse coherence of the self amplified spontaneous emission of a free-electron laser with the heterodyne speckle method Matteo D. Alaimo, Maria Pia Anania, Marcello Artioli, Alberto Bacci, Marco Bellaveglia, Franco Ciocci, Enrica Chiadroni, Alessandro Cianchi, Giuseppe Dattoli, Giampierro Di Pirro, Massimo Ferrario, Giancarlo Gatti, Luca Giannessi, Michele Manfredda, Robe 2014 Optics Express
Control of conformers combining cooling by supersonic expansion of seeded molecular beams with hexapole selection and alignment: experiment and theory on 2-butanol Federico Palazzetti, Glauciete S. Maciel, Keita Kanda, Masaaki Nakamura, Dock-Chil Che, Toshio Kasai, Vincenzo Aquilanti 2014 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Roads leading to roam. Role of triple fragmentation and of conical intersections in photochemical reactions: experiments and theory on methyl formate Po-Yu Tsai, Meng-Hsuan Chao, Toshio Kasai, King-Chuen Lin, Andrea Lombardi, Federico Palazzetti, Vincenzo Aquilanti 2014 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
AlN thin films prepared by ArF plasma assisted PLD. Role of process conditions on electronic and chemical–morphological properties E. Cappelli, D. M. Trucchi, S. Orlando, V. Valentini, A. Mezzi, S. Kaciulis 2014 Applied Physics A
L10 FePt-based thin films for future perpendicular magnetic recording media G. Varvaro, S. Laureti, D. Fiorani 2014 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Verification of first-principles codes: Comparison of total energies, phonon frequencies, electron–phonon coupling and zero-point motion correction to the gap between ABINIT and QE/Yambo S. Poncé, G. Antonius, P. Boulanger, E. Cannuccia, A. Marini, M. Côté, X. Gonze 2014 Computational Materials Science
Comparison of silver nanoparticles confined in nanoporous silica prepared by chemical synthesis and by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation in liquid Á. Szegedi, M. Popova, J. Valyon, A. Guarnaccio, A. De Stefanis, A. De Bonis, S. Orlando, M. Sansone, R. Teghil, A. Santagata 2014 Applied Physics A
Understanding dynamics of interacting magnetic nanoparticles: from the weak interaction regime to the collective superspin glass state D. Fiorani, D. Peddis 2014 Journal of Physics: Conference Series
CITIUS: An infrared-extreme ultraviolet light source for fundamental and applied ultrafast science C. Grazioli, C. Callegari, A. Ciavardini, M. Coreno, F. Frassetto, D. Gauthier, D. Golob, R. Ivanov, A. Kivimäki, B. Mahieu, B. Bučar, M. Merhar, P. Miotti, L. Poletto, E. Polo, B. Ressel, C. Spezzani, G. De Ninno 2014 Review of Scientific Instruments
Use of ns and fs pulse excitation in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to improve its analytical performances: A case study on quaternary bronze alloys Salvatore Almaviva, Roberta Fantoni, Luisa Caneve, Francesco Colao, Lucilla Fornarini, Antonio Santagata, Roberto Teghil 2014 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Ultra-short pulsed laser deposition of gallium arsenide: a comprehensive study A. De Bonis, A. Santagata, A. Galasso, R. Teghil 2014 Applied Physics A
Comparison of the performances of nanosecond and femtosecond Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for depth profiling of an artificially corroded bronze A. De Bonis, B. De Filippo, A. Galasso, A. Santagata, A. Smaldone, R. Teghil 2014 Applied Surface Science
Photo- and thermionic emission of MWPECVD nanocrystalline diamond films G. Cicala, V. Magaletti, A. Valentini, M.A. Nitti, A. Bellucci, D.M. Trucchi 2014 Applied Surface Science
Novel Collective Autoionization Process Observed in Electron Spectra of He Clusters Y. Ovcharenko, V. Lyamayev, R. Katzy, M. Devetta, A. LaForge, P. O’Keeffe, O. Plekan, P. Finetti, M. Di Fraia, M. Mudrich, M. Krikunova, P. Piseri, M. Coreno, N. B. Brauer, T. Mazza, S. Stranges, C. Grazioli, R. Richter, K. C. Prince, M. Drabbels, C. Cal 2014 Physical Review Letters
Collective Autoionization in Multiply-Excited Systems: A novel ionization process observed in Helium Nanodroplets A. C. LaForge, M. Drabbels, N. B. Brauer, M. Coreno, M. Devetta, M. Di Fraia, P. Finetti, C. Grazioli, R. Katzy, V. Lyamayev, T. Mazza, M. Mudrich, P. O'Keeffe, Y. Ovcharenko, P. Piseri, O. Plekan, K. C. Prince, R. Richter, S. Stranges, C. Callegari, T. 2014 Scientific Reports
Fs–ns double-pulse Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of copper-based-alloys: Generation and elemental analysis of nanoparticles A. Guarnaccio, G.P. Parisi, D. Mollica, A. De Bonis, R. Teghil, A. Santagata 2014 Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy
Surface Modification of ZnO(0001)–Zn with Phosphonate-Based Self-Assembled Monolayers: Binding Modes, Orientation, and Work Function Melanie Timpel, Marco V. Nardi, Stefan Krause, Giovanni Ligorio, Christos Christodoulou, Luca Pasquali, Angelo Giglia, Johannes Frisch, Berthold Wegner, Paolo Moras, Norbert Koch 2014 Chemistry of Materials
Implementing a simple vectorial bridge with a digital oscilloscope Rosario Bartiromo, Mario De Vincenzi 2014 American Journal of Physics
Si(111)2×1 surface isomers: DFT investigations on stability and doping effects C. Violante, L. Chiodo, A. Mosca Conte, F. Bechstedt, O. Pulci 2014 Surface Science
FTIR spectra and density functional theory P.E.D. assignments of oxiranes in Ar matrix at 12K L. Gontrani, S. Nunziante Cesaro, S. Stranges, L. Bencivenni, A. Pierett 2014 Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
Photocatalytic and Photovoltaic Properties of TiO2 Nanoparticles Investigated by Ab Initio Simulations Giuseppe Mattioli, Aldo Amore Bonapasta, Daniele Bovi, Paolo Giannozzi 2014 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Metallic picene/C60heterojunctions and the effect of potassium doping Marco Caputo, Mirco Panighel, Luca Petaccia, Claudia Struzzi, Vajiheh Alijani, Marcello Coreno, Monica de Simone, Guido Fratesi, Giovanni Di Santo, Andrea Goldoni 2014 Physical Review B
Electron-electron and electron-phonon correlation effects on the finite-temperature electronic and optical properties of zinc-blende GaN Hiroki Kawai, Koichi Yamashita, Elena Cannuccia, Andrea Marini 2014 Physical Review B
Characterisation of the electronic structure of some stable nitroxyl radicals using variable energy photoelectron spectroscopy Branka Kovač, Ivan Ljubić, Antti Kivimäki, Marcello Coreno, Igor Novak 2014 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Spectrometer for X-ray emission experiments at FERMI free-electron-laser L. Poletto, F. Frassetto, P. Miotti, A. Di Cicco, P. Finetti, C. Grazioli, F. Iesari, A. Kivimäki, S. Stagira, M. Coreno 2014 Review of Scientific Instruments
Hydrogen migration in formation of NH(A3Π) radicals via superexcited states in photodissociation of isoxazole molecules Mariusz Zubek, Tomasz J. Wasowicz, Iwona Dąbkowska, Antti Kivimäki, Marcello Coreno 2014 The Journal of Chemical Physics
Self-amplified spontaneous emission free electron laser devices and nonideal electron beam transport L. L. Lazzarino, E. Di Palma, M. P. Anania, M. Artioli, A. Bacci, M. Bellaveglia, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, F. Ciocci, G. Dattoli, D. Di Giovenale, G. Di Pirro, M. Ferrario, G. Gatti, L. Giannessi, A. Mostacci, P. Musumeci, A. Petralia, V. Petrillo, R. P 2014 Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
Formation of CN (B2Σ+) radicals in the vacuum-ultraviolet photodissociation of pyridine and pyrimidine molecules Tomasz J Wasowicz, Antti Kivimäki, Marcello Coreno, Mariusz Zubek 2014 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Magnetization and Microstructure Dynamics in Fe/MnAs/GaAs(001): Fe Magnetization Reversal by a Femtosecond Laser Pulse C. Spezzani, E. Ferrari, E. Allaria, F. Vidal, A. Ciavardini, R. Delaunay, F. Capotondi, E. Pedersoli, M. Coreno, C. Svetina, L. Raimondi, M. Zangrando, R. Ivanov, I. Nikolov, A. Demidovich, M. B. Danailov, H. Popescu, M. Eddrief, G. De Ninno, M. Kiskino 2014 Physical Review Letters
Temperature dependence of electronic eigenenergies in the adiabatic harmonic approximation S. Poncé, G. Antonius, Y. Gillet, P. Boulanger, J. Laflamme Janssen, A. Marini, M. Côté, X. Gonze 2014 Physical Review B
Atomistic Quantum Plasmonics of Gold Nanowire Arrays Luca Sementa, Andrea Marini, Giovanni Barcaro, Fabio R. Negreiros, Alessandro Fortunelli 2014 ACS Photonics
Effect of spin-orbit interaction on the optical spectra of single-layer, double-layer, and bulk MoS2 Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Davide Sangalli, Kerstin Hummer, Andrea Marini, Ludger Wirtz 2013 Physical Review B
Exploiting magnetic properties of Fe doping in zirconia Davide Sangalli, Elena Cianci, Alessio Lamperti, Roberta Ciprian, Franca Albertini, Francesca Casoli, Pierpaolo Lupo, Lucia Nasi, Marco Campanini, Alberto Debernardi 2013 The European Physical Journal B
Role of oxygen vacancies on the structure and density of states of iron-doped zirconia Davide Sangalli, Alessio Lamperti, Elena Cianci, Roberta Ciprian, Michele Perego, Alberto Debernardi 2013 Physical Review B
Lattice dynamics of the rare-earth element samarium Olga Bauder, Przemysław Piekarz, Alessandro Barla, Ilya Sergueev, Rudolf Rüffer, Jan Łażewski, Tilo Baumbach, Krzysztof Parlinski, Svetoslav Stankov 2013 Physical Review B
Study of microstructure and magnetization reversal mechanism in granular CoCrPt:SiO2 films of variable thickness G. Varvaro, A.M. Testa, E. Agostinelli, D. Fiorani, S. Laureti, F. Springer, C. Brombacher, M. Albrecht, L. Del Bianco, G. Barucca, P. Mengucci, D. Rinaldi 2013 Materials Chemistry and Physics
Mn-silicide nanostructures aligned on massively parallel silicon nano-ribbons Paola De Padova, Carlo Ottaviani, Fabio Ronci, Stefano Colonna, Bruno Olivieri, Claudio Quaresima, Antonio Cricenti, Maria E Dávila, Franz Hennies, Annette Pietzsch, Nina Shariati, Guy Le Lay 2013 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Substrate-Driven Formation of Bidimensional Arrays of Co Nanocrystals in TiO2 Thin Films Tian Li, Rosanna Larciprete, Stefano Turchini, Nicola Zema, Alberta Bonanni, Antonio Di Trolio 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Correlation effects in the optical spectra of porphyrin oligomer chains: Exciton confinement and length dependence Conor Hogan, Maurizia Palummo, Johannes Gierschner, Angel Rubio 2013 The Journal of Chemical Physics
Universal infrared absorbance of two-dimensional honeycomb group-IV crystals Lars Matthes, Paola Gori, Olivia Pulci, Friedhelm Bechstedt 2013 Physical Review B
Reactivity and properties of dications generated by photoionization of 2,5-norbornadiene Christopher J. Shaffer, Detlef Schröder, Jana Roithová, Emilie-Laure Zins, Christian Alcaraz, Jan Žabka, Miroslav Polášek, Daniela Ascenzi 2013 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
Magnetic Order Through Super-Superexchanges in the Polar Magnetoelectric Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Cr[(D3N-(CH2)2-PO3)(Cl)(D2O)] Gwilherm Nénert, Hyun-Joo Koo, Claire V. Colin, Elvira M. Bauer, Carlo Bellitto, Clemens Ritter, Guido Righini, Myung-Hwan Whangbo 2013 Inorganic Chemistry
Fibrils or Globules? Tuning the Morphology of Peptide Aggregates from Helical Building Blocks M. Caruso, E. Placidi, E. Gatto, C. Mazzuca, L. Stella, G. Bocchinfuso, A. Palleschi, F. Formaggio, C. Toniolo, M. Venanzi 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
The Unexpected Role of Arsenic in Driving the Selective Growth of InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs Fabrizio Arciprete, Ernesto Placidi, Rita Magri, Massimo Fanfoni, Adalberto Balzarotti, Fulvia Patella 2013 ACS Nano
Study of the Anchoring Process of Tethered Unsymmetrical Zn-Phthalocyanines on TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films Giovanna Pellegrino, Alessandra Alberti, Guglielmo G. Condorelli, Filippo Giannazzo, Antonino La Magna, Anna Maria Paoletti, Giovanna Pennesi, Gentilina Rossi, Gloria Zanotti 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
In Situ Time-Resolved Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Calcium Phosphate Based Bone Cements Julietta V. Rau, Marco Fosca, Vladimir S. Komlev 2013 Key Engineering Materials
Superradiant Cascade in a Seeded Free-Electron Laser L. Giannessi, M. Bellaveglia, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, M. E. Couprie, M. Del Franco, G. Di Pirro, M. Ferrario, G. Gatti, M. Labat, G. Marcus, A. Mostacci, A. Petralia, V. Petrillo, M. Quattromini, J. V. Rau, S. Spampinati, V. Surrenti 2013 Physical Review Letters
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of molybdenum carbide: Nanoparticles and thin film characteristics A. De Bonis, A. Santagata, M. Sansone, J.V. Rau, T. Mori, R. Teghil 2013 Applied Surface Science
Development of an integrated chemical, biological and ecological approach for impact assessment of Mediterranean offshore gas platforms A. Gomiero, A. Spagnolo, A. De Biasi, L. Kozinkova, P. Polidori, E. Punzo, A. Santelli, P. Strafella, M. Girasole, S. Dinarelli, A. Viarengo, A. Negri, C. Nasci, G. Fabi 2013 Chemistry and Ecology
Systematic STM and LEED investigation of the Si/Ag(110) surface S Colonna, G Serrano, P Gori, A Cricenti, F Ronci 2013 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Optical Fingerprints of Si Honeycomb Chains and Atomic Gold Wires on the Si(111)-(5×2)-Au Surface Conor Hogan, Elena Ferraro, Niall McAlinden, John F. McGilp 2013 Physical Review Letters
Spectroscopic and Morphological Studies of Metal-Organic and Metal-Free Dyes onto Titania Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Gabriella Di Carlo, Daniela Caschera, Roberta G. Toro, Cristina Riccucci, Gabriel M. Ingo, Giuseppina Padeletti, Luisa De Marco, Giuseppe Gigli, Giovanna Pennesi, Gloria Zanotti, Anna M. Paoletti, Nicola Angelini 2013 International Journal of Photoenergy
Stable Alignment of Tautomers at Room Temperature in Porphyrin 2D Layers Gianlorenzo Bussetti, Marcello Campione, Michele Riva, Andrea Picone, Luisa Raimondo, Lorenzo Ferraro, Conor Hogan, Maurizia Palummo, Alberto Brambilla, Marco Finazzi, Lamberto Duò, Adele Sassella, Franco Ciccacci 2013 Advanced Functional Materials
Casting Light on the Darkening of Colors in Historical Paintings F. Da Pieve, C. Hogan, D. Lamoen, J. Verbeeck, F. Vanmeert, M. Radepont, M. Cotte, K. Janssens, X. Gonze, G. Van Tendeloo 2013 Physical Review Letters
Intermixing and buried interfacial structure in strained Ge/Si(105) facets L. Fazi, C. Hogan, L. Persichetti, C. Goletti, M. Palummo, A. Sgarlata, A. Balzarotti 2013 Physical Review B
Kinetically driven selective growth of InAs quantum dots on GaAs Fabrizio Arciprete, Ernesto Placidi, Rita Magri, Davide Del Gaudio, Fulvia Patella 2013 Journal of Materials Research
Artificially lattice-mismatched graphene/metal interface: Graphene/Ni/Ir(111) Daniela Pacilé, Philipp Leicht, Marco Papagno, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Carlo Carbone, Konstantin Krausert, Lukas Zielke, Mikhail Fonin, Yuriy S. Dedkov, Florian Mittendorfer, Jörg Doppler, Andreas Garhofer, Josef Redinger 2013 Physical Review B
Is graphene on copper doped? Alexander J. Marsden, Maria-Carmen Asensio, José Avila, Pavel Dudin, Alexei Barinov, Paolo Moras, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Thomas W. White, Ian Maskery, Giovanni Costantini, Neil R. Wilson, Gavin R. Bell 2013 physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters
Magnetic Properties of Small Magnetite Nanocrystals G. Muscas, G. Concas, C Cannas, A. Musinu, A. Ardu, F. Orrù, D. Fiorani, S. Laureti, D. Rinaldi, G. Piccaluga, D. Peddis 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Conformational Sensitivity in Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of 3-Methylcyclopentanone Stefano Turchini, Daniele Catone, Nicola Zema, Giorgio Contini, Tommaso Prosperi, Piero Decleva, Mauro Stener, Flaminia Rondino, Susanna Piccirillo, Kevin C. Prince, Maurizio Speranza 2013 ChemPhysChem
Insight into Organometallic Intermediate and Its Evolution to Covalent Bonding in Surface-Confined Ullmann Polymerization Marco Di Giovannantonio, Mohamed El Garah, Josh Lipton-Duffin, Vincent Meunier, Luis Cardenas, Yannick Fagot Revurat, Albano Cossaro, Alberto Verdini, Dmitrii F. Perepichka, Federico Rosei, Giorgio Contini 2013 ACS Nano
Interplay between Supramolecularity and Substrate Symmetry in the Dehydrogenation of d-Alaninol on Cu(100) and Cu(110) Surfaces G. Contini, P. Gori, M. Di Giovannantonio, N. Zema, S. Turchini, D. Catone, T. Prosperi, A. Palma 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Photoelectron spectroscopy and circular dichroism of a chiral metal–organic complex D. Catone, S. Turchini, M. Stener, P. Decleva, G. Contini, T. Prosperi, V. Feyer, K. C. Prince, N. Zema 2013 Rendiconti Lincei
Two-dimensional molecular chirality transfer on metal surfaces Giorgio Contini, Paola Gori, Fabio Ronci, Stefano Colonna, Amedeo Palma, Stefano Turchini, Daniele Catone, Tommaso Prosperi, Nicola Zema 2013 Rendiconti Lincei
Bulk electronic structure of Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) films by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy W. Ndiaye, M. C. Richter, O. Heckmann, P. De Padova, J.-M. Mariot, A. Stroppa, S. Picozzi, W. Wang, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, C. Cacho, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, K. Hricovini 2013 Physical Review B
Evidence of Dirac fermions in multilayer silicene Paola De Padova, Patrick Vogt, Andrea Resta, Jose Avila, Ivy Razado-Colambo, Claudio Quaresima, Carlo Ottaviani, Bruno Olivieri, Thomas Bruhn, Toru Hirahara, Terufusa Shirai, Shuji Hasegawa, Maria Carmen Asensio, Guy Le Lay 2013 Applied Physics Letters
Fet2gband dispersion and spin polarization in thin films of Fe3O4(0 0 1)/MgO(0 0 1): Half-metallicity of magnetite revisited W. Wang, J.-M. Mariot, M. C. Richter, O. Heckmann, W. Ndiaye, P. De Padova, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, F. Bondino, E. Magnano, J. Krempaský, P. Blaha, C. Cacho, F. Parmigiani, K. Hricovini 2013 Physical Review B
Presence of gapped silicene-derived band in the prototypical (3 × 3) silicene phase on silver (111) surfaces J Avila, P De Padova, S Cho, I Colambo, S Lorcy, C Quaresima, P Vogt, A Resta, G Le Lay, M C Asensio 2013 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
The quasiparticle band dispersion in epitaxial multilayer silicene Paola De Padova, Jose Avila, Andrea Resta, Ivy Razado-Colambo, Claudio Quaresima, Carlo Ottaviani, Bruno Olivieri, Thomas Bruhn, Patrick Vogt, Maria Carmen Asensio, Guy Le Lay 2013 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Observation of Time-Domain Modulation of Free-Electron-Laser Pulses by Multipeaked Electron-Energy Spectrum V. Petrillo, M. P. Anania, M. Artioli, A. Bacci, M. Bellaveglia, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, F. Ciocci, G. Dattoli, D. Di Giovenale, G. Di Pirro, M. Ferrario, G. Gatti, L. Giannessi, A. Mostacci, P. Musumeci, A. Petralia, R. Pompili, M. Quattromini, J. V. R 2013 Physical Review Letters
SPARC_LAB present and future M. Ferrario, D. Alesini, M. Anania, A. Bacci, M. Bellaveglia, O. Bogdanov, R. Boni, M. Castellano, E. Chiadroni, A. Cianchi, S.B. Dabagov, C. De Martinis, D. Di Giovenale, G. Di Pirro, U. Dosselli, A. Drago, A. Esposito, R. Faccini, A. Gallo, M. Gambaccin 2013 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
Two-phase zirconium boride thin film obtained by ultra-short pulsed laser ablation of a ZrB12 target A. De Bonis, A. Santagata, J.V. Rau, A. Latini, T. Mori, L. Medici, R. Teghil 2013 Applied Surface Science
Spatially-Resolved In-Situ Structural Study of Organic Electronic Devices with Nanoscale Resolution: The Plasmonic Photovoltaic Case Study B. Paci, D. Bailo, V. Rossi Albertini, J. Wright, C. Ferrero, G. D. Spyropoulos, E. Stratakis, E. Kymakis 2013 Advanced Materials
Excitation Spectra of Transition-Metal Atoms on the Ag (100) Surface Controlled by Hund’s Exchange S. Gardonio, M. Karolak, T. O. Wehling, L. Petaccia, S. Lizzit, A. Goldoni, A. I. Lichtenstein, C. Carbone 2013 Physical Review Letters
Alkylimidazolium Based Ionic Liquids: Impact of Cation Symmetry on Their Nanoscale Structural Organization Marisa A. A. Rocha, Catarina M. S. S. Neves, Mara G. Freire, Olga Russina, Alessandro Triolo, João A. P. Coutinho, Luís M. N. B. F. Santos 2013 The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Mesoscopic structural organization in triphilic room temperature ionic liquids Olga Russina, Fabrizio Lo Celso, Marco Di Michiel, Stefano Passerini, Giovanni Battista Appetecchi, Franca Castiglione, Andrea Mele, Ruggero Caminiti, Alessandro Triolo 2013 Faraday Discussions
Nano-segregation in ionic liquids: scorpions and vanishing chains Karina Shimizu, Carlos E. S. Bernardes, Alessandro Triolo, José N. Canongia Lopes 2013 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
Physico-chemical properties and nanoscale morphology in N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium dicyanamide room temperature ionic liquids Olga Russina, Ruggero Caminiti, Alessandro Triolo, Sunita Rajamani, Bernardo Melai, Alessandra Bertoli, Cinzia Chiappe 2013 Journal of Molecular Liquids
On the interpretation of XPS spectra of metal (Pt, Pt–Sn) nanoparticle/graphene systems Ernesto Paparazzo 2013 Carbon
Viewing the World from Different Angles: Plato’s Timaeus 54E-55A Ernesto Paparazzo 2013 Apeiron
Interface exchange coupling in a CoPt/NiO bilayer S. Laureti, L. Del Bianco, B. Detlefs, E. Agostinelli, V. Foglietti, D. Peddis, A.M. Testa, G. Varvaro, D. Fiorani 2013 Thin Solid Films
Near-field optical microscopy with an infra-red free electron laser applied to cancer diagnosis A. D. Smith, M. R. F. Siggel-King, G. M. Holder, A. Cricenti, M. Luce, P. Harrison, D. S. Martin, M. Surman, T. Craig, S. D. Barrett, A. Wolski, D. J. Dunning, N. R. Thompson, Y. Saveliev, D. M. Pritchard, A. Varro, S. Chattopadhyay, P. Weightman 2013 Applied Physics Letters
Hysteretic NanoSQUID Sensors for Investigation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles C. Granata, R. Russo, E. Esposito, A. Vettoliere, D. Peddis, A. Musinu, B. Ruggiero, D. Fiorani, M. Russo 2013 IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles investigated by nanoSQUIDs Carmine Granata, Roberto Russo, Emanuela Esposito, Antonio Vettoliere, Maurizio Russo, Anna Musinu, Davide Peddis, Dino Fiorani 2013 The European Physical Journal B
Stepwise behaviour of magnetization temperature dependence in iron nanoparticle assembled films V Iannotti, S Amoruso, G Ausanio, R Bruzzese, L Lanotte, A C Barone, G Margaris, K N Trohidou, D Fiorani 2013 Nanotechnology
Beyond the Effect of Particle Size: Influence of CoFe2O4 Nanoparticle Arrangements on Magnetic Properties D. Peddis, C. Cannas, A. Musinu, A. Ardu, F. Orrù, D. Fiorani, S. Laureti, D. Rinaldi, G. Muscas, G. Concas, G. Piccaluga 2013 Chemistry of Materials
Memory effects on the magnetic behavior of assemblies of nanoparticles with ferromagnetic core/antiferromagnetic shell morphology M. Vasilakaki, K. N. Trohidou, D. Peddis, D. Fiorani, R. Mathieu, M. Hudl, P. Nordblad, C. Binns, S. Baker 2013 Physical Review B
Direct observation of rotatable uncompensated spins in the exchange bias system Co/CoO–MgO Chuannan Ge, Xiangang Wan, Eric Pellegrin, Zhiwei Hu, S. Manuel Valvidares, Alessandro Barla, Wen-I. Liang, Ying-Hao Chu, Wenqin Zou, Youwei Du 2013 Nanoscale
Nanostructured Si-substituted hydroxyapatite coatings for biomedical applications Julietta V. Rau, Marco Fosca, Ilaria Cacciotti, Sara Laureti, Alessandra Bianco, Roberto Teghil 2013 Thin Solid Films
Efficient Gate-tunable light-emitting device made of defective boron nitride nanotubes: from ultraviolet to the visible Claudio Attaccalite, Ludger Wirtz, Andrea Marini, Angel Rubio 2013 Scientific Reports
Effect of spin-orbit interaction on the optical spectra of single-layer, double-layer, and bulk MoS2 Alejandro Molina-Sánchez, Davide Sangalli, Kerstin Hummer, Andrea Marini, Ludger Wirtz 2013 Physical Review B
Graphene-mediated exchange coupling between a molecular spin and magnetic substrates S. Marocchi, P. Ferriani, N. M. Caffrey, F. Manghi, S. Heinze, V. Bellini 2013 Physical Review B
Maximum entropy distribution of stock price fluctuations Rosario Bartiromo 2013 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
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