VUV Photofragmentation of CH2I2: The [CH2I–I]•+ Iso-diiodomethane Intermediate in the I-Loss Channel from [CH2I2]•+
Antonella Cartoni, Anna Rita Casavola, Paola Bolognesi, Stefano Borocci, Lorenzo Avaldi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
k dependence of the spin polarization inMn5Ge3/Ge(111)thin films
W. Ndiaye, J.-M. Mariot, P. De Padova, M. C. Richter, W. Wang, O. Heckmann, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, C. Cacho, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, A. Stroppa, S. Picozzi, K. Hricovini
Physical Review B
Colour degradation of artworks: an ab initio approach to X-ray, electronic and optical spectroscopy analyses of vermilion photodarkening
C. Hogan, F. Da Pieve
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
Ab initioelectronic structure, optical, and magneto-optical properties of MnGaAs digital ferromagnetic heterostructures
Patrizia Rosa, Davide Sangalli, Giovanni Onida, Alberto Debernardi
Physical Review B
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Some Dithienylbenzo[c]thiophene Derivatives
Maurizio D'Auria, Ambra Guarnaccio, Rocco Racioppi, Antonio Santagata, Roberto Teghil
Charge and energy flows in ionised thymidine
S Maclot, R Delaunay, D G Piekarski, A Domaracka, B A Huber, L Adoui, F Martin, M Alcamf, L Avaldi, P Bolognesi, S Diaz-Tendero, P Rousseau
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Pressure-Induced Inhomogeneous Chiral-Spin Ground State in FeGe
A. Barla, H. Wilhelm, M. K. Forthaus, C. Strohm, R. Rüffer, M. Schmidt, K. Koepernik, U. K. Rößler, M. M. Abd-Elmeguid
Physical Review Letters
Stratigraphic investigation of wall painting fragments from Roman villas of the Sabina area
Alessandra Paladini, Francesco Toschi, Francesca Colosi, Gianluca Rubino, Paola Santoro
Applied Physics A
Organic–inorganic hybrids: From magnetic perovskite metal(II) halides to multifunctional metal(II) phosphonates
Carlo Bellitto, Elvira M. Bauer, Guido Righini
Coordination Chemistry Reviews
Selective oxidation of glycerol catalyzed by iron complexes
Corrado Crotti, Erica Farnetti
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
Association in ethylammonium nitrate–dimethyl sulfoxide mixtures: First structural and dynamical evidences
Olga Russina, Marina Macchiagodena, Barbara Kirchner, Alessandro Mariani, Bachir Aoun, Margarita Russina, Ruggero Caminiti, Alessandro Triolo
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Single QD emission from arrays of QD chains obtained by patterning-free method
Ernesto Placidi, Fabrizio Arciprete, Francesco Sarti, Massimo Gurioli, Anna Vinattieri, Fulvia Patella
Advanced Device Materials
Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding and Molecular Orbital Distortion in 4-Hydroxycyanobenzene Investigated by X-ray Spectroscopy
Giorgia Olivieri, Albano Cossaro, Ennio Capria, Luca Benevoli, Marcello Coreno, Monica De Simone, Kevin C. Prince, Gregor Kladnik, Dean Cvetko, Beatrice Fraboni, Alberto Morgante, Luca Floreano, Alessandro Fraleoni-Morgera
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Experimental versusab initiox-ray absorption of iron-doped zirconia: Trends in OK-edge spectra as a function of iron doping
D. H. Douma, R. Ciprian, A. Lamperti, P. Lupo, E. Cianci, D. Sangalli, F. Casoli, L. Nasi, F. Albertini, P. Torelli, A. Debernardi
Physical Review B
Magnetocaloric effect in Ni47Mn40Sn13 alloy prepared by mechanical alloying
A. Ghotbi Varzaneh, P. Kameli, F. Karimzadeh, B. Aslibeiki, G. Varvaro, H. Salamati
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
IRIDE: Interdisciplinary research infrastructure based on dual electron linacs and lasers
M. Ferrario, D. Alesini, M. Alessandroni, M.P. Anania, S. Andreas, M. Angelone, A. Arcovito, F. Arnesano, M. Artioli, L. Avaldi, D. Babusci, A. Bacci, A. Balerna, S. Bartalucci, R. Bedogni, M. Bellaveglia, F. Bencivenga, M. Benfatto, S. Biedron, V. Bocci,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Testing spin-flip scattering as a possible mechanism of ultrafast demagnetization in ordered magnetic alloys
Stefan Günther, Carlo Spezzani, Roberta Ciprian, Cesare Grazioli, Barbara Ressel, Marcello Coreno, Luca Poletto, Paolo Miotti, Maurizio Sacchi, Giancarlo Panaccione, Vojtěch Uhlíř, Eric E. Fullerton, Giovanni De Ninno, Christian H. Back
Physical Review B
Magnetic properties of granular CoCrPt:SiO 2 thin films deposited on GaSb nanocones
D. K. Ball, K. Lenz, M. Fritzsche, G. Varvaro, S. Günther, P. Krone, D. Makarov, A. Mücklich, S. Facsko, J. Fassbender, and M. Albrecht
IOP Science
Reply to “Comment on ‘Insight into Organometallic Intermediate and Its Evolution to Covalent Bonding in Surface-Confined Ullmann Polymerization’”
Marco Di Giovannantonio, Mohamed El Garah, Josh Lipton-Duffin, Vincent Meunier, Luis Cardenas, Yannick Fagot-Revurat, Albano Cossaro, Alberto Verdini, Dmitrii F. Perepichka, Federico Rosei, Giorgio Contini
ACS Nano
The fate of the 2√3 × 2√3R(30°) silicene phase on Ag(111)
Zhi-Long Liu, Mei-Xiao Wang, Canhua Liu, Jin-Feng Jia, Patrick Vogt, Claudio Quaresima, Carlo Ottaviani, Bruno Olivieri, Paola De Padova, Guy Le Lay
APL Materials
Electronic and magnetic properties of iron doped zirconia: Theory and experiment
A. Debernardi, D. Sangalli, A. Lamperti, E. Cianci, P. Lupo, F. Casoli, F. Albertini, L. Nasi, R. Ciprian, P. Torelli
Journal of Applied Physics
The H + HeH+ → He + H2+ reaction from the ultra-cold regime to the three-body breakup: exact quantum mechanical integral cross sections and rate constants
Dario De Fazio
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Fe-doped hydroxyapatite coatings for orthopedic and dental implant applications
J.V. Rau, I. Cacciotti, A. De Bonis, M. Fosca, V.S. Komlev, A. Latini, A. Santagata, R. Teghil
Applied Surface Science
Connections between local and macroscopic properties in solids: The case of N in III-V-N alloys
L. Amidani, G. Ciatto, F. Boscherini, F. Filippone, G. Mattioli, P. Alippi, F. Bondino, A. Polimeni, M. Capizzi, A. Amore Bonapasta
Physical Review B
Graphene ripples generated by grain boundaries in highly ordered pyrolytic graphite
A. Capasso, E. Placidi, H.F. Zhan, E. Perfetto, J.M. Bell, Y.T. Gu, N. Motta
Iridium-catalyzed N-alkylation of diamines with glycerol
Corrado Crotti, Erica Farnetti, Sabina Licen, Pierluigi Barbieri, Giuliana Pitacco
Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical
A single-residue substitution inhibits fibrillization of Ala-based pentapeptides. A spectroscopic and molecular dynamics investigation
Mario Caruso, Emanuela Gatto, Ernesto Placidi, Gema Ballano, Fernando Formaggio, Claudio Toniolo, David Zanuy, Carlos Alemán, Mariano Venanzi
Soft Matter
Competition between electron-donor and electron-acceptor substituents in nitrotoluene isomers: a photoelectron spectroscopy and ab initio investigation
Flaminia Rondino, Daniele Catone, Giuseppe Mattioli, Aldo Amore Bonapasta, Paola Bolognesi, Anna Rita Casavola, Marcello Coreno, Patrick O'Keeffe, Lorenzo Avaldi
RSC Advances
Pure magnetic hard fct FePt nanoparticles: Chemical synthesis, structural and magnetic properties correlations
L. Suber, G. Marchegiani, E.S. Olivetti, F. Celegato, M. Coïsson, P. Tiberto, P. Allia, G. Barrera, L. Pilloni, L. Barba, F. Padella, P. Cossari, A. Chiolerio
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Supramolecular and Chiral Effects at the Titanyl Phthalocyanine/Ag(100) Hybrid Interface
Stefano Colonna, Giuseppe Mattioli, Paola Alippi, Aldo Amore Bonapasta, Antonio Cricenti, Francesco Filippone, Paola Gori, Anna Maria Paoletti, Giovanna Pennesi, Fabio Ronci, Gloria Zanotti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Heavily strained BaZr0.8Y0.2O3−x interfaces with enhanced transport properties
Vittorio Foglietti, Nan Yang, Antonello Tebano, Carmela Aruta, Elisabetta Di Bartolomeo, Silvia Licoccia, Claudia Cantoni, Giuseppe Balestrino
Applied Physics Letters
Silicon-induced faceting at the Ag(110) surface
Fabio Ronci, Giulia Serrano, Paola Gori, Antonio Cricenti, Stefano Colonna
Physical Review B
A low temperature and solvent-free direct chemical synthesis of L10 FePt nanoparticles with size tailoring
X. C. Hu, E. Agostinelli, C. Ni, G. C. Hadjipanayis, A. Capobianchi
Green Chem.
Influence of ball milling and annealing conditions on the properties of L10 FePt nanoparticles fabricated by a new green chemical synthesis method
X. C. Hu, A. Capobianchi, R. Gallagher, G. C. Hadjipanayis
Journal of Applied Physics
The structural organization of N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone + water mixtures: A densitometry, x-ray diffraction, and molecular dynamics study
M. Usula, F. Mocci, F. Cesare Marincola, S. Porcedda, L. Gontrani, R. Caminiti
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Spin Tuning of Electron-Doped Metal–Phthalocyanine Layers
Sebastian Stepanow, Alberto Lodi Rizzini, Cornelius Krull, Jerald Kavich, Julio C. Cezar, Flora Yakhou-Harris, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Carlo Carbone, Gustavo Ceballos, Aitor Mugarza, Pietro Gambardella
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Anisotropic electronic conduction in metal nanofilms grown on a one-dimensional surface superstructure
Naoka Nagamura, Rei Hobara, Tomoya Uetake, Toru Hirahara, Manami Ogawa, Taichi Okuda, Ke He, P. Moras, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, C. Carbone, Katsuyoshi Kobayashi, Iwao Matsuda, Shuji Hasegawa
Physical Review B
Coexistence of multiple silicene phases in silicon grown on Ag(1 1 1)
P Moras, T O Mentes, P M Sheverdyaeva, A Locatelli, C Carbone
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Interfacial Engineering of P3HT/ZnO Hybrid Solar Cells Using Phthalocyanines: A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Investigation
Giuseppe Mattioli, Sadok Ben Dkhil, Maria Ilenia Saba, Giuliano Malloci, Claudio Melis, Paola Alippi, Francesco Filippone, Paolo Giannozzi, Anil Kumar Thakur, Meriem Gaceur, Olivier Margeat, Abdou Karim Diallo, Christine Videlot-Ackermann, Jörg Ackermann,
Advanced Energy Materials
Optical response of strongly absorbing inhomogeneous materials: Application to paper degradation
M. Missori, O. Pulci, L. Teodonio, C. Violante, I. Kupchak, J. Bagniuk, J. Łojewska, A. Mosca Conte
Physical Review B
Impurity-vacancy complexes and ferromagnetism in doped sesquioxides
Paola Alippi, Maura Cesaria, Vincenzo Fiorentini
Physical Review B
Raman spectroscopy study of silicon nanoribbons on Ag(110)
E. Speiser, B. Buick, N. Esser, W. Richter, S. Colonna, A. Cricenti, F. Ronci
Applied Physics Letters
Aggregation propensity of Aib homo-peptides of different length: an insight from molecular dynamics simulations
Gianfranco Bocchinfuso, Paolo Conflitti, Stefano Raniolo, Mario Caruso, Claudia Mazzuca, Emanuela Gatto, Ernesto Placidi, Fernando Formaggio, Claudio Toniolo, Mariano Venanzi, Antonio Palleschi
Journal of Peptide Science
Visual degradation in Leonardo da Vinci's iconic self-portrait: A nanoscale study
A. Mosca Conte, O. Pulci, M. C. Misiti, J. Lojewska, L. Teodonio, C. Violante, M. Missori
Applied Physics Letters
Interaction of a long alkyl chain protic ionic liquid and water
Enrico Bodo, Sara Mangialardo, Francesco Capitani, Lorenzo Gontrani, Francesca Leonelli, Paolo Postorino
The Journal of Chemical Physics
Theoretical Reaction Kinetics Astride the Transition between Moderate and Deep Tunneling Regimes: The F + HD Case
S. Cavalli, V. Aquilanti, K. C. Mundim, D. De Fazio
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Silicene on Ag(111): A honeycomb lattice without Dirac bands
S. K. Mahatha, P. Moras, V. Bellini, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, C. Struzzi, L. Petaccia, C. Carbone
Physical Review B
Electronic structure of epitaxial graphene grown on stepped Pt(997)
M. Pisarra, D. Pacilé, P. Moras, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, A. Sindona, M. Papagno, C. Carbone
Physical Review B
A diamond based neutron spectrometer for diagnostics of deuterium-tritium fusion plasmas
C. Cazzaniga, M. Nocente, M. Rebai, M. Tardocchi, P. Calvani, G. Croci, L. Giacomelli, M. Girolami, E. Griesmayer, G. Grosso, M. Pillon, D. M. Trucchi, G. Gorini
Review of Scientific Instruments
Amphiphile Meets Amphiphile: Beyond the Polar–Apolar Dualism in Ionic Liquid/Alcohol Mixtures
Olga Russina, Alessio Sferrazza, Ruggero Caminiti, Alessandro Triolo
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Induced movements of giant vesicles by millimeter wave radiation
Martina Albini, Simone Dinarelli, Francesco Pennella, Stefania Romeo, Emiliano Zampetti, Marco Girasole, Umberto Morbiducci, Rita Massa, Alfonsina Ramundo-Orlando
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes
An experimental and theoretical study of the resonant Auger spectrum of the ethene molecule
R Flammini, M Satta, P OʼKeeffe, M Coreno, A Kivimäki, M de Simone, M Carbone, V Feyer, K C Prince, L Avaldi
New Journal of Physics
Selective growth of InAs quantum dots on GaAs driven by as kinetics
R. Magri, E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, F. Patella
Crystal Research and Technology
Self-Assembly of a Model Peptide Incorporating a Hexa-Histidine Sequence Attached to an Oligo-Alanine Sequence, and Binding to Gold NTA/Nickel Nanoparticles
Ian W. Hamley, Steven Kirkham, Ashkan Dehsorkhi, Valeria Castelletto, Jozef Adamcik, Raffaele Mezzenga, Janne Ruokolainen, Claudia Mazzuca, Emanuela Gatto, Mariano Venanzi, Ernesto Placidi, Panayiotis Bilalis, Hermis Iatrou
Electronic structure calculations of mercury mobilization from mineral phases and photocatalytic removal from water and the atmosphere
Fabiana Da Pieve, Martin Stankowski, Conor Hogan
Science of The Total Environment
Probing Two-Dimensional vs Three-Dimensional Molecular Aggregation in Metal-Free Tetraphenylporphyrin Thin Films by Optical Anisotropy
G. Bussetti, M. Campione, L. Ferraro, L. Raimondo, B. Bonanni, C. Goletti, M. Palummo, C. Hogan, L. Duò, M. Finazzi, A. Sassella
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
24 h stability of thick multilayer silicene in air
Paola De Padova, Carlo Ottaviani, Claudio Quaresima, Bruno Olivieri, Patrizia Imperatori, Eric Salomon, Thierry Angot, Lucia Quagliano, Claudia Romano, Alessandro Vona, Maurizio Muniz-Miranda, Amanda Generosi, Barbara Paci, Guy Le Lay
2D Materials
NMR, Calorimetry, and Computational Studies of Aqueous Solutions of N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone
Marianna Usula, Silvia Porcedda, Francesca Mocci, Lorenzo Gontrani, Ruggero Caminiti, Flaminia Cesare Marincola
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Amino Acid Anions in Organic Ionic Compounds. An ab Initio Study of Selected Ion Pairs
A. Benedetto, E. Bodo, L. Gontrani, P. Ballone, R. Caminiti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Fs-pulsed laser deposition of PbTe and PbTe/Ag thermoelectric thin films
A. Bellucci, E. Cappelli, S. Orlando, L. Medici, A. Mezzi, S. Kaciulis, R. Polini, D. M. Trucchi
Applied Physics A
Double-configuration grating monochromator for extreme-ultraviolet ultrafast pulses
L. Poletto, P. Miotti, F. Frassetto, C. Spezzani, C. Grazioli, M. Coreno, B. Ressel, D. Gauthier, R. Ivanov, A. Ciavardini, M. de Simone, S. Stagira, G. De Ninno
Applied Optics
Massless Dirac cones in graphene: Experiments and theory
Emmanuele Cappelluti, Lara Benfatto, Marco Papagno, Daniela Pacilè, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras
Annalen der Physik
Interaction of silicene withβ-Si3N4(0001)/Si(111) substrate; energetics and electronic properties
Francesco Filippone
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Manipulating surface diffusion and elastic interactions to obtain quantum dot multilayer arrangements over different length scales
E. Placidi, F. Arciprete, V. Latini, S. Latini, R. Magri, M. Scuderi, G. Nicotra, F. Patella
Applied Physics Letters
Photofragmentation of Halogenated Pyrimidine Molecules in the VUV Range
Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Paola Bolognesi, Antonella Cartoni, Daniele Catone, Patrick O’Keeffe, Anna Rita Casavola, Stefano Turchini, Nicola Zema, Lorenzo Avaldi
Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Organizational chirality expression as a function of the chirality measure of simple amino alcohols on Cu(100)
F. Ronci, R. Gatti, G. Caponi, S. Colonna, G. Galeotti, D. Catone, S. Turchini, T. Prosperi, N. Zema, A. Palma, P. Gori, G. Contini
Surface Science
fs Laser surface nano-structuring of high refractory ceramics to enhance solar radiation absorbance
E. Cappelli, S. Orlando, D. Sciti, A. Bellucci, A. Lettino, D. M. Trucchi
Applied Physics A
Optical properties of femtosecond laser-treated diamond
P. Calvani, A. Bellucci, M. Girolami, S. Orlando, V. Valentini, A. Lettino, D. M. Trucchi
Applied Physics A
Electron spectroscopy of the main allotropes of carbon
S. Kaciulis, A. Mezzi, P. Calvani, D. M. Trucchi
Surface and Interface Analysis
A methodological approach for combining super-resolution and pattern-recognition to image identification
M. D’Acunto, G. Pieri, M. Righi, O. Salvetti
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
3D image reconstruction using Radon transform
Mario D’Acunto, Antonio Benassi, Davide Moroni, Ovidio Salvetti
Signal, Image and Video Processing
Coupling of single, double, and triple-decker metal-phthalocyanine complexes to ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic substrates
Alberto Lodi Rizzini, Cornelius Krull, Aitor Mugarza, Timofey Balashov, Corneliu Nistor, Raoul Piquerel, Svetlana Klyatskaya, Mario Ruben, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Carlo Carbone, Christian Stamm, Piter S. Miedema, Pardeep K. Thakur, Violetta S
Surface Science
Solvation of Lithium Salts in Protic Ionic Liquids: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Trinidad Méndez-Morales, Jesús Carrete, Óscar Cabeza, Olga Russina, Alessandro Triolo, Luis J. Gallego, Luis M. Varela
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Multigap absorption inCaCu3Ti4O12and the prediction capability ofab initiomethods
Francesco Ricci, Paola Alippi, Alessio Filippetti, Vincenzo Fiorentini
Physical Review B
Dose and wavelength dependent study of graphene oxide photoreduction with VUV Synchrotron radiation
Stefano Prezioso, Francesco Perrozzi, Maurizio Donarelli, Enrico Stagnini, Emanuele Treossi, Vincenzo Palermo, Sandro Santucci, Michele Nardone, Paolo Moras, Luca Ottaviano
Large-bandwidth two-color free-electron laser driven by a comb-like electron beam
C Ronsivalle, M P Anania, A Bacci, M Bellaveglia, E Chiadroni, A Cianchi, F Ciocci, G Dattoli, D Di Giovenale, G Di Pirro, M Ferrario, G Gatti, L Giannessi, A Mostacci, P Musumeci, L Palumbo, A Petralia, V Petrillo, R Pompili, J V Rau, A R Rossi, C Vaccar
New Journal of Physics
Dual color x rays from Thomson or Compton sources
V. Petrillo, A. Bacci, C. Curatolo, M. Ferrario, G. Gatti, C. Maroli, J. V. Rau, C. Ronsivalle, L. Serafini, C. Vaccarezza, M. Venturelli
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams
Elucidating the 3d Electronic Configuration in Manganese Phthalocyanine
Iulia Emilia Brumboiu, Roberta Totani, Monica de Simone, Marcello Coreno, Cesare Grazioli, Luca Lozzi, Heike C. Herper, Biplab Sanyal, Olle Eriksson, Carla Puglia, Barbara Brena
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A
Variable photon energy photoelectron spectroscopy of tris-cyclopentadienyl lanthanides
Marcello Coreno, Monica de Simone, Jennifer C. Green, Nikolas Kaltsoyannis, Rosemary Coates, Charlene Hunston, Naima Narband, Andrea Sella
Dalton Trans.
Two-Dimensional Electron Gases atLaAlO3/SrTiO3Interfaces: Orbital Symmetry and Hierarchy Engineered by Crystal Orientation
D. Pesquera, M. Scigaj, P. Gargiani, A. Barla, J. Herrero-Martín, E. Pellegrin, S. M. Valvidares, J. Gázquez, M. Varela, N. Dix, J. Fontcuberta, F. Sánchez, G. Herranz
Physical Review Letters
Fieldlike and antidamping spin-orbit torques in as-grown and annealed Ta/CoFeB/MgO layers
Can Onur Avci, Kevin Garello, Corneliu Nistor, Sylvie Godey, Belén Ballesteros, Aitor Mugarza, Alessandro Barla, Manuel Valvidares, Eric Pellegrin, Abhijit Ghosh, Ioan Mihai Miron, Olivier Boulle, Stephane Auffret, Gilles Gaudin, Pietro Gambardella
Physical Review B
Experimental investigation of the interatomic Coulombic decay in NeAr dimers
P. O'Keeffe, A. Ciavardini, E. Ripani, P. Bolognesi, M. Coreno, L. Avaldi, M. Devetta, M. Di Fraia, C. Callegari, K. C. Prince, R. Richter
Physical Review A
Bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl)pentacene/Au(111) Interface: Coupling, Molecular Orientation, and Thermal Stability
Andrea Gnoli, Hande Ustunel, Daniele Toffoli, Liyang Yu, Daniele Catone, Stefano Turchini, Silvano Lizzit, Natalie Stingelin, Rosanna Larciprete
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
High Resolution Multiphoton Spectroscopy by a Tunable Free-Electron-Laser Light
M. Žitnik, A. Mihelič, K. Bučar, M. Kavčič, J.-E. Rubensson, M. Svanquist, J. Söderström, R. Feifel, C. Såthe, Y. Ovcharenko, V. Lyamayev, T. Mazza, M. Meyer, M. Simon, L. Journel, J. Lüning, O. Plekan, M. Coreno, M. Devetta, M. Di Fraia, P. Finetti, R. R
Physical Review Letters
Ultrafast dissociation in polyhalogenated ethane: alternative mechanisms
O Travnikova, C Nicolas, V Kimberg, R Flammini, X-J Liu, M Patanen, S Svensson, C Miron
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Electronic structure of graphene/Co interfaces
D. Pacilé, S. Lisi, I. Di Bernardo, M. Papagno, L. Ferrari, M. Pisarra, M. Caputo, S. K. Mahatha, P. M. Sheverdyaeva, P. Moras, P. Lacovig, S. Lizzit, A. Baraldi, M. G. Betti, C. Carbone
Physical Review B
Lateral distribution of field-emitted electrons from a carbon nanofiber array: A theoretical calculation
Stylianos Siontas, Andreas Kyritsakis, John P. Xanthakis, Stefano Iacobucci, Gianni Stefani
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, Nanotechnology and Microelectronics: Materials, Processing, Measurement, and Phenomena
The Metallic Nature of Epitaxial Silicene Monolayers on Ag(111)
Neil W. Johnson, Patrick Vogt, Andrea Resta, Paola De Padova, Israel Perez, David Muir, Ernst Z. Kurmaev, Guy Le Lay, Alexander Moewes
Advanced Functional Materials
Synthesis and electrical conductivity of multilayer silicene
P. Vogt, P. Capiod, M. Berthe, A. Resta, P. De Padova, T. Bruhn, G. Le Lay, B. Grandidier
Applied Physics Letters
The Rise of Elemental Two-Dimensional Materials Beyond Graphene
Guy Le Lay, Eric Salomon, Paola De Padova, Jean-Marc Layet, Thierry Angot
Australian Journal of Chemistry
Adsorption induced phase transition in Ti(Pc) 2 gas sensing films: A joint AFM-EDXR study
A. Generosi, V. Rossi Albertini, G. Pennesi, B. Paci
Materials Chemistry and Physics
Electronic properties of Si hollow nanowires
Lorenzo Di Mario, Stefano Turchini, Nicola Zema, Roberto Cimino, Faustino Martelli
Journal of Applied Physics
Avoided-crossing spectroscopy technique based on detection of atoms in metastable states
A. Mihelič, M. Žitnik, K. Bučar, L. Avaldi, R. Richter
Physical Review A
Photo-double-ionization of Mg studied by electron-electron-coincidence experiments
E. Sokell, P. Bolognesi, A. Kheifets, I. Bray, S. Safgren, L. Avaldi
Physical Review A
Interplay of post-collision interaction and photoelectron recapture in the near threshold inner shell ionization of rare gases
D B Thompson, P Bolognesi, P O'Keeffe, R Richter, L Avaldi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
(e,2e) and (γ,2e) experiments on C60
P Bolognesi, Y Pavlyukh, M Schüler, J Berakdar, L Avaldi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Two electron interference in angular resolved double photoionization of Mg
E Sokell, P Bolognesi, A Kheifets, I Bray, S Safgren, L Avaldi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Near-threshold β-parameter measurements of state-selected rotational transitions to thev+= 0 level of normal and ortho-D2
E Sokell, M R F Siggel-King, E Weadick, A M Juarez, P Bolognesi, G C King
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Coincidence measurements following 2p photoionization in Mg
E Sokell, P Bolognesi, S Safgren, L Avaldi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
Femtosecond X-ray-induced explosion of C60 at extreme intensity
B. F. Murphy, T. Osipov, Z. Jurek, L. Fang, S.-K. Son, M. Mucke, J.H.D. Eland, V. Zhaunerchyk, R. Feifel, L. Avaldi, P. Bolognesi, C. Bostedt, J. D. Bozek, J. Grilj, M. Guehr, L. J. Frasinski, J. Glownia, D. T. Ha, K. Hoffmann, E. Kukk, B. K. McFarland,
Nature Communications