The continuous drive for miniaturization and enhanced functionality defines the trajectory of modern applied research. Spintronics emerges as a key enabler in this evolution, leveraging the spin degree of freedom and novel magnetic materials to push the boundaries of both fundamental understanding and technological innovation.
This presentation will outline the research activities and achievements of the Omnics group. Nano-spintronics investigations focus on multilayered and nano- devices, demonstrating spin filter effects and the interplay between spin-polarized and single-electron tunneling phenomena. Magnetoresistive transducers are being designed for integration into biosensors and lab-on-a-chip platforms, advancing diagnostics. Additionally, multiferroic materials like BiFeO3 are studied for their potential in multifunctional devices. Efforts are also directed toward optimizing surface acoustic waves and microwave cavity resonators for coupling with magnetic systems. For instance, our work explores strong coupling (anticrossing) between microwave photonic modes in a three-dimensional cavity and the magnetostatic mode of a YIG sphere from a fundamental point of view and also for quantum sensing applications.
These activities are conducted in collaboration with national and international partners. Furthermore, the Omnics laboratories serve as the Italian node of the European Infrastructure on Magnetism (funded by the ISABEL project, H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020, Grant No. 871106) and is also part of the Italian Innovative Research Infrastructure on applied Superconductivity (IRIS, Prot. IR0000003). Opportunities and insights from these infrastructures will also be discussed.
The seminar is organized in the framework of the collaboration between Omnics and nM2-Lab of CNR-ISM.
Giuseppe Maruccio è Professore Ordinario in Fisica della Materia (FIS/03) presso il Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica dell'Università del Salento e fondatore/responsabile del gruppo di ricerca Omnics, che comprende ricercatori con diversi background, dalla fisica alle scienze della vita, lavorando in stretta collaborazione per promuovere la ricerca esplorativa e di avviamento in aree interdisciplinari con applicazioni che spaziano dalle tecnologie -onics (elettronica, spintronica e magnonica) alle tecnologie -omics (genomica, proteomica e cellomica). I laboratori Omnics sono il nodo italiano dell'Infrastruttura Europea sul Magnetismo (finanziata nell'ambito del progetto ISABEL, H2020-INFRADEV-2018-2020, Grant No. 871106) e fanno parte dell'Infrastruttura Italiana di Ricerca Innovativa sulla Superconduttività Applicata (IRIS, Prot. IR0000003).