Martedì, 03 Novembre 2020 15:36






ERICE- SICILIA: 3 – 9 Luglio 2022

Durante le lezioni verranno trattati i seguenti argomenti (relatori da confermare):

1) Tutorials:

  • Deji Akinwande, UT-Austin, Austin , USA, 2D electronic devices, 
  • Sofer Zdenek, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic, 2d pnictognes ,
  • Deborah Prezzi , CNR-Nano, Modena, Italy, Atomically-controlled graphene nanostructures and ribbons,
  • Carlo S. Casari , Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy,  Nanostructured surfaces,

2) Linear and non-linear optics:

  • Norbert ESSER, ISAS, Berlin, Germany: Raman at surface phonons: surface structure/reconstruction and 1D and 2D atomic layers on surfaces
  • Christoph Cobet, JKU, Linz, Austria: tutorial on Ellipsometry/RAS on liquid-solid-interfaces and in-situ optics in electrochemistry.
  • Bernardo Mendoza, Leon, Mexico, Bulk photovoltaic effects in semiconductors and metals: jerk current and the DC nonlinear Hall effect
  • Giuseppe Pirruccio, Mexico, Heat transfer at nanoscale
  • Vesna Vasic, Vinca Institut, Belgrad, Serbia, Antitumor Gold(III) Complexes in Biological Tissue
  • Antonio Cricenti, ISM-CNR, Rome, Italy, Optical nanospectroscopy for bioanalysis
  • Lutz Waldecker, Stanford University, Stanford, USA, Measurement and manipulation of excitons in 2D semiconductors 

3) Dynamics:

  • Kenan Gundogdu, NCSU Physics, Raleigh, USA: ultrafast and nonlinear optical spectroscopy on electronic phase transitions in 2D materials. 
  • Norman Tolk, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA: Femtosecond Laser Induced Transient States of Matter
  • Caterina Vozzi, IFN-CNR, Milano, Italy: Ultrafast Molecular Imaging

4) 2D materials:

  • Friedhelm Bechstedt, University of Jena, Jena, Germany: Excitons in 2D materials: Polarization and chemistry dependence
  • Patrick Vogt, Chemnitz, Germany: Introduction to graphene, silicene, germanene from experimental side
  • Stefano Lupi, Univ Roma La Sapienza, Italy, Optical Properties of exotic electronic materials: From Graphene and Silicene to Topological Insulators and Weyl Semimetals
  • Alessandro Molle , IMM-CNR, Milano, Italy, Xenes: from growth to applications
  • Riccardo Frisenda, ICMM-CSIC, Madrid, Spain, Micro-reflectance and transmittance spectroscopy applied on 2D materials
  • Yves Borensztein, INSP-CNRS, Paris, France Quantitative determination of silicene and germanene structures by Grazing incidence X ray Diffraction

Altri seminari saranno inclusi nel programma finale

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