Titolo Autori Anno Rivista
Hydrophobic iron oxide nanoparticles: Controlled synthesis and phase transfer via flash nanoprecipitation Sulalit Bandyopadhyay, Haroon Zafar, Muhammad Sarmad Khan, Reema Ansar, Davide Peddis, Sawssen Slimani, Nesrine Bali, Zahra Sajid, Rida e Maria Qazi, Fawad ur Rehman, Afsar Ali Mian 2025 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
Biphasic lithium iron oxide nanocomposites for enhancement in electromagnetic interference shielding properties Sagnik Ghosh, Pramod Rangaiah, Mustafa Aboulsaad, Sawssen Slimani, Johan Cedervall, Bagher Aslibeiki, Robin Augustine, Tomas Edvinsson, Gianni Barucca, Davide Peddis, Tapati Sarkar 2025 Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Facile and fast synthesis of highly ordered L10-FeNi nanoparticles G. Varvaro, P. Imperatori, S. Laureti, D. Peddis, F. Locardi, M. Ferretti, C. Cannas, M. Sanna Angotzi, N. Yaacoub, A. Capobianchi 2024 Scripta Materialia
Two-dimensional periodic surface nanotexturing of 6H-SiC by ultrashort laser pulses M. Mastellone, E. Bolli, V. Valentini, A. Bellucci, S. Orlando, A. Santagata, R. Polini, A. Lettino, E. Sani, D.M. Trucchi 2024 Surfaces and Interfaces
Phase transition at 350 K in the Ti3C2 Francesco Cordero, Hanna Pazniak, Thierry Ouisse, Jesus Gonzalez-Julian, Aldo Di Carlo, Viktor Soprunyuk, Wilfried Schranz 2024 Physical Review B
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