The Unexpected Role of Arsenic in Driving the Selective Growth of InAs Quantum Dots on GaAs
Fabrizio Arciprete, Ernesto Placidi, Rita Magri, Massimo Fanfoni, Adalberto Balzarotti, Fulvia Patella
ACS Nano
Study of the Anchoring Process of Tethered Unsymmetrical Zn-Phthalocyanines on TiO2 Nanostructured Thin Films
Giovanna Pellegrino, Alessandra Alberti, Guglielmo G. Condorelli, Filippo Giannazzo, Antonino La Magna, Anna Maria Paoletti, Giovanna Pennesi, Gentilina Rossi, Gloria Zanotti
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
In Situ Time-Resolved Energy Dispersive X-Ray Diffraction Studies of Calcium Phosphate Based Bone Cements
Julietta V. Rau, Marco Fosca, Vladimir S. Komlev
Key Engineering Materials
Superradiant Cascade in a Seeded Free-Electron Laser
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Physical Review Letters
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of molybdenum carbide: Nanoparticles and thin film characteristics
A. De Bonis, A. Santagata, M. Sansone, J.V. Rau, T. Mori, R. Teghil
Applied Surface Science
Development of an integrated chemical, biological and ecological approach for impact assessment of Mediterranean offshore gas platforms
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Chemistry and Ecology
Systematic STM and LEED investigation of the Si/Ag(110) surface
S Colonna, G Serrano, P Gori, A Cricenti, F Ronci
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter
Optical Fingerprints of Si Honeycomb Chains and Atomic Gold Wires on the Si(111)-(5×2)-Au Surface
Conor Hogan, Elena Ferraro, Niall McAlinden, John F. McGilp
Physical Review Letters
Spectroscopic and Morphological Studies of Metal-Organic and Metal-Free Dyes onto Titania Films for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
Gabriella Di Carlo, Daniela Caschera, Roberta G. Toro, Cristina Riccucci, Gabriel M. Ingo, Giuseppina Padeletti, Luisa De Marco, Giuseppe Gigli, Giovanna Pennesi, Gloria Zanotti, Anna M. Paoletti, Nicola Angelini
International Journal of Photoenergy
Stable Alignment of Tautomers at Room Temperature in Porphyrin 2D Layers
Gianlorenzo Bussetti, Marcello Campione, Michele Riva, Andrea Picone, Luisa Raimondo, Lorenzo Ferraro, Conor Hogan, Maurizia Palummo, Alberto Brambilla, Marco Finazzi, Lamberto Duò, Adele Sassella, Franco Ciccacci
Advanced Functional Materials
Casting Light on the Darkening of Colors in Historical Paintings
F. Da Pieve, C. Hogan, D. Lamoen, J. Verbeeck, F. Vanmeert, M. Radepont, M. Cotte, K. Janssens, X. Gonze, G. Van Tendeloo
Physical Review Letters
Intermixing and buried interfacial structure in strained Ge/Si(105) facets
L. Fazi, C. Hogan, L. Persichetti, C. Goletti, M. Palummo, A. Sgarlata, A. Balzarotti
Physical Review B
Kinetically driven selective growth of InAs quantum dots on GaAs
Fabrizio Arciprete, Ernesto Placidi, Rita Magri, Davide Del Gaudio, Fulvia Patella
Journal of Materials Research
Artificially lattice-mismatched graphene/metal interface: Graphene/Ni/Ir(111)
Daniela Pacilé, Philipp Leicht, Marco Papagno, Polina M. Sheverdyaeva, Paolo Moras, Carlo Carbone, Konstantin Krausert, Lukas Zielke, Mikhail Fonin, Yuriy S. Dedkov, Florian Mittendorfer, Jörg Doppler, Andreas Garhofer, Josef Redinger
Physical Review B
Is graphene on copper doped?
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physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters
Magnetic Properties of Small Magnetite Nanocrystals
G. Muscas, G. Concas, C Cannas, A. Musinu, A. Ardu, F. Orrù, D. Fiorani, S. Laureti, D. Rinaldi, G. Piccaluga, D. Peddis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Conformational Sensitivity in Photoelectron Circular Dichroism of 3-Methylcyclopentanone
Stefano Turchini, Daniele Catone, Nicola Zema, Giorgio Contini, Tommaso Prosperi, Piero Decleva, Mauro Stener, Flaminia Rondino, Susanna Piccirillo, Kevin C. Prince, Maurizio Speranza
Insight into Organometallic Intermediate and Its Evolution to Covalent Bonding in Surface-Confined Ullmann Polymerization
Marco Di Giovannantonio, Mohamed El Garah, Josh Lipton-Duffin, Vincent Meunier, Luis Cardenas, Yannick Fagot Revurat, Albano Cossaro, Alberto Verdini, Dmitrii F. Perepichka, Federico Rosei, Giorgio Contini
ACS Nano
Interplay between Supramolecularity and Substrate Symmetry in the Dehydrogenation of d-Alaninol on Cu(100) and Cu(110) Surfaces
G. Contini, P. Gori, M. Di Giovannantonio, N. Zema, S. Turchini, D. Catone, T. Prosperi, A. Palma
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Photoelectron spectroscopy and circular dichroism of a chiral metal–organic complex
D. Catone, S. Turchini, M. Stener, P. Decleva, G. Contini, T. Prosperi, V. Feyer, K. C. Prince, N. Zema
Rendiconti Lincei
Two-dimensional molecular chirality transfer on metal surfaces
Giorgio Contini, Paola Gori, Fabio Ronci, Stefano Colonna, Amedeo Palma, Stefano Turchini, Daniele Catone, Tommaso Prosperi, Nicola Zema
Rendiconti Lincei
Bulk electronic structure of Mn5Ge3/Ge(111) films by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
W. Ndiaye, M. C. Richter, O. Heckmann, P. De Padova, J.-M. Mariot, A. Stroppa, S. Picozzi, W. Wang, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, C. Cacho, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, K. Hricovini
Physical Review B
Evidence of Dirac fermions in multilayer silicene
Paola De Padova, Patrick Vogt, Andrea Resta, Jose Avila, Ivy Razado-Colambo, Claudio Quaresima, Carlo Ottaviani, Bruno Olivieri, Thomas Bruhn, Toru Hirahara, Terufusa Shirai, Shuji Hasegawa, Maria Carmen Asensio, Guy Le Lay
Applied Physics Letters
Fet2gband dispersion and spin polarization in thin films of Fe3O4(0 0 1)/MgO(0 0 1): Half-metallicity of magnetite revisited
W. Wang, J.-M. Mariot, M. C. Richter, O. Heckmann, W. Ndiaye, P. De Padova, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, P. Le Fèvre, F. Bertran, F. Bondino, E. Magnano, J. Krempaský, P. Blaha, C. Cacho, F. Parmigiani, K. Hricovini
Physical Review B
Presence of gapped silicene-derived band in the prototypical (3 × 3) silicene phase on silver (111) surfaces
J Avila, P De Padova, S Cho, I Colambo, S Lorcy, C Quaresima, P Vogt, A Resta, G Le Lay, M C Asensio
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter