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Thursday, 01 October 2020 10:29

RICIRCOLA - The factory towards a circular economy: from the recovery of plastic to the end-of-life of vehicles

The objective of Ricircola project its the development of the new circular economy paradigm to be transferred within the production cycle of the automobile FCA Melfi plant (Italy).

Development of technologies and solutions to materials and processes for a sustainable industry, able to facilitate low-carbon production, energy saving, as well as the intensification of methodologies and approaches for recycling, clean-up and use of materials with high added value deriving from production and end-of-life residues / scraps of vehicles.

Thematic Area: Aerospazio/Automotive
Financing Body: MiSE
Starting year: 2017
End year: 2019
Call: Bando MISE Horizon 2020 - PON 2014/2020
Acronym: Ri-Circola
Title: The factory towards a circular economy: from the recovery of plastic to the end-of-life of vehicles
Budget ISM (k€): 438
ISM Ruolo: CNR Project Leader
ISM Referent: Antonio Santagata
Other relevant roles: Guarnaccio Ambra (Activity leader OR8.3),Stefano Orlando  (Activity  leader OR8.2)
Other ISM Staff involved: Stefano Orlando, Donato Mollica, Patrizia Dolce, Adriana De Stefanis, Alessandra Paladini, Ambra Guarnaccio, Fortunata Gallese, Giuseppe Mattioli, Francesco Toschi, Donato Conte, Enzo Lucia, Assunta Arte, Lorenzo Avaldi
Laboratory: FemtoLAB