The capacity of CNR-ISM to perform multidisciplinary and cutting-edge research has been rewarded by the success of 19 project applications, of which 7 as Principal Investigator, in the sectors of innovative materials, energy, sensors and biomedicine for the #PRIN2022 and #PRINPNRR2022 programmes (Projects of Relevant National Interest) of the Ministry of University and Research.
SELWA - SELf-cleaning ceramic membranes for Water and Agro-food by-products processing based on innovative materials and construction strategies
ELDORADO - Effective Light management in 2D perOvskite absorbeRs for A disruptive tanDem phOtovoltaic technology
TMCN-H2 - Development of Transition Metal Carbo-Nitride catalysts for low-cost and highly-efficient Hydrogen production through water splitting
ESILARANTE - ElectroSpray Immobilization of LAccase foR cANnabinoids deTEction
ATYPICAL - Atomically precise multifunctional single atom platforms
SEED4GREEN - A seed for the green transition. Tailoring Deep Eutectic Solvents for 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) transformation
PARADIGMA - The biological function of soluble proteins acquired by matrix vesicles
TECHPRO - Thermionic Energy Conversion for High Power RadiatiOn
NIR+ - Near InfraRed Photon management for tThe capacity of CNR-ISM to perform multidisciplinary and cutting-edge research has been rewarded by the success of 19 project applications, of which 7 as Principal Investigator, in the sectors of innovative materials, energy, sensors and biomedicine for the #PRIN2022 and #PRINPNRR2022 programmes (Projects of Relevant National Interest) of the Ministry of University and Research.ransparent LUminescent Spectral conversion technologies
SPEEDHY - Solar PhotoElectrochEmical black Diamond converters for HYdrogen and ammonia production
REPLACE - Rethinking Perovskite Solar Cells From A Circular Economy Perspective
GREEN3 - GPARADIGMAreen-to-Green-to-Green: A Green detection system of chlorinated pesticides in veg/spices/herbs based on Green syntheses of highlighting particles within the Green Deal
MAGNETISE - Rare-earth single atom MAGnets aNchorEd aT oxIde Surfaces as a platform for new low-consumption magnetic dEvices
ODYSSEY - OperanDo electron spectroscopY for a molecular-level underStanding of water-Splitting with triazinE-based photocatalYsts
OPHELIA - OPtimized detection systems for High-dose-per-pulse measurements in ELectron-flash radiotherapy with Improved Accuracy
ReSET - Resonant Energy Transfer from Plasmonic Nanoparticles to Semiconductors: a Route to Improve Solar Photocatalytic Efficiency
ELATED - Enhanced LAser spectroscopy TEchniques for autism Diagnosis in children
HyPerMag - HYbrid ferrite nanocomposites for novel Rare-earth free PERmanent MAGnets
Gold Nanostructures for Benzofuryl-based Anti-tumoral Photoinduced Drug Delivery Systems