
Article published on Advanced Functional Material.

In dilute nitride InyGa1−yAs1−xNx alloys, a spatially controlled tuning of the energy gap can be realized by combining the introduction of N atoms—inducing a significant reduction of this parameter—with that of hydrogen atoms, which neutralize the effect of N. In these alloys, hydrogen forms N–H complexes in both Ga-rich and In-rich N environments.
Here, photoluminescence measurements and thermal annealing treatments show that, surprisingly, N neutralization by H is significantly inhibited when the number of In-N bonds increases. Density functional theory calculations account for this result and reveal an original, physical phenomenon.

#dilute_nitride_alloys #density_functional_theory

The sluggish kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction is the bottleneck for the practical exploitation of water splitting. Our recent paper in Advanced Energy Materials demonstrates the potential of a core-shell structure of hydrous NiMoO4 micro-rods conformally covered by Co3O4, whose performances exceed the activity of the most efficient catalysts recently published. Multiple experimental techniques consistently reveal the occurrence of an irreversible reconstruction of the catalyst during its activity that determines its highly efficient performances.

#core_shell_structure #oxygen_evolution_reaction #synchrotron

An experimental and theoretical study, cover article of the J. Phys. Chem. Lett. which has involved researchers from the Institute of Structure of Matter,  proposes a model in which simple combinations of amino acids not only survive the interaction with VUV radiation, but exploit it to generate more complex peptide chains.
These mechanisms, which theoretical simulations have shown to be energetically favoured, may have played a role in the early stages of the chemical evolution of life.

#dipeptides #synchrotron #radiation #moleculardynamics

In this paper published in The Journal of Physical Chemistry C it is demonstrated that, by extending the amount of deposited silicon beyond the limit required for the well-known formation of silicon nanoribbons, novel two-dimensional silicon structures are obtained: silicene and dumbbell silicene. The possibility of synthesizing dumbbell silicene, already predicted by theoretical calculations, opens up interesting perspectives for the exploration of the functionalization and predicted topological properties of this new 2D silicon allotrope.

#Silicene #2D_materials #Grazing_incidence #Xray_diffraction #Density_functional_theory #Scanning_Tunneling_Microscopy #Synchrotron_radiation

In this paper published on Physical Review Materials, the “two-step” growth technique has been used to grow atomically uniform Ag films on 7×7 Si(111) and 8×8 β-Si3N4(0001)/Si(111) surfaces. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals the formation of sp quantum well states in the Ag films with distinct properties in the two cases. It is shown that the valence electrons in silver can be confined in the fundamental gap of a less than 1-nm-thin nitride layer, effectively decoupling the Ag and Si states.

#electronic_structure #quantum_interference_effects #surface_reconstruction #surface_states

In a new publication in Nature Chemistry, an interdisciplinary collaboration including researchers from CNR-ISM have demonstrated a new paradigm for molecular #functionalizion of #semiconductor surfaces by preparing stable, ordered arrays of #organic_molecules on silicon. Using N-heterocyclic #carbenes with customized electronic and geometrical properties, the team have shown that self-assembled growth of single molecular layers can be achieved, opening up new possibilities in semiconductor technologies. #SAMs

A work that paves the way for the control and a future engineering of the non-linear transport properties and of the third-harmonic generation response in the low-frequency regime of terahertz.

Two-dimensional laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSSs) with a deep-subwavelength periodicity (80 nm ≈ λ/10) were obtained for the first time on diamond surfaces. The unique surface nanotexturing is achieved by employing a technique that relies on irradiation with two temporally delayed and cross-polarized fs-laser pulses generated with a Michelson-like interferometer configuration. In this paper, we demonstrate that, if the delay between two consecutive pulses is ≤ 2 ps, the 2D periodicity of nanostructures can be tuned by controlling the number of pulses irradiating the surface.

In a new paper published in the prestigious journal Advanced Functional Materials, an international team of researchers demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of flexible magnetoresistive spin valve switches operating with out-of-plane magnetic fields, which can be used for the realization of on-skin interactive magneto-electronic devices, which are touchless, energy efficient (momentary switches) and insensitive to external magnetic disturbances (latching switches).

A study conducted by the Cnr, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, the University of Bologna and Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste has clarified the ultra-fast mechanisms of energy transfer within photocatalytic materials. The results, published in Nano Letters, will help develop new catalysts for environmental and energy applications

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